Fellowship and Duty to God

Bear Adventure: Fellowship Of FaithTreating others the way we want to be treated, often called the golden rule, is a principle found in almost every religion. It is a good rule to follow every day! It is one way we can practice our duty to God. When we help our neighbors, treat family members with kindness, help our friends, and even reach out to people in our community, we help make life better for them. Helping others is a good way to have fellowship with others. We become happier, and our faith in God is strengthened! In this adventure, you will have opportunities to practice your duty to God by helping people around you.

Rationale for Adventure

To practice their duty to God, Bear Cub Scouts will have opportunities in this adventure to be good neighbors as they reach out in fellowship to those in their communities. Cub Scouts will experience the universal principle, common to many religions, that we should treat others the way we want to be treated.


Complete the following requirements

  1. Discuss with your parent, guardian, den leader, or other caring adult with it means to do your duty to God. Tell how you do your duty to God in your daily life.
  2. Complete at least one of the following:
    1. Identify a person whose faith you admire, and discuss this person with your family.
    2. With a family member, provide service to a place of worship or a spiritual community, school, or community organization that puts into practice your ideals of duty to God and strengthens yoru fellowship with others.
  3. Complete at least one of the following:
    1. Earn the religious emblem of your faith that is appropriate for your age, if you have not already done so.
    2. Make a list of things you can do to practice your duty to God as you are taught in your home or place of worship or spiritual community. Select two of the items and practice them for two weeks.

Takeaways for Cub Scouts

  • Showing our duty to God by participating in service projects designed to help a neighbor or community organization.
  • Learning about individuals who have demonstrated fellowship, and creating plans to help us develop characteristics that will benefit our community.
  • Worshiping together to strengthen our faith in God
  • A Scout is reverent

Historical Requirements

2015 Handbook Requirements

Adventure Location
Bear Handbook, page 58
Bear Den Leader Guide, page 55

Do either requirement 1 OR requirement 2.

  1. Earn the religious emblem of your faith.
  2. Complete 2a and at least two of requirements 2b–2d.
    1. Working with a parent or guardian, spiritual advisor, or religious leader, provide service to help a place of worship or spiritual community, school, community organization, or chartered organization that puts into practice your ideals of duty to God and strengthens your fellowship with others.
    2. Name some people in history who have shown great faith in God as they worked to make our world a better place. Discuss with an adult one or more of the characteristics of a person you admire, and make a plan to develop one of the selected characteristics in yourself. Share your plan with your family, and carry it out for two weeks.
    3. Make a list of things you can do to practice your duty to God as you are taught in your home or place of worship or spiritual community. Select two of the items, and practice them for two weeks.
    4. Attend a religious service, den or pack meeting worship service, or time of family reflection and discussion about your family’s beliefs.