On Monday, January 16th, the Bears and Webelos continued their knife safety training by covering some more detailed parts of a pocket knife, the different types of pocket knives, how to choose a good pocket knife, the rules, safety, and the care of a pocketknife. We also reviewed what was covered last week.
The scouts were given a worksheet to complete as a homework assignment. This worksheet (attached below), must be turned in along with a signed permission form (also attached) in order for your scout to complete his whittling chip. Without these, your scout cannot participate in the final part of the training.
On Monday, January 23rd, we will complete the whittling chip course by having the scouts practice what they learned with apples, bars of soap, and if time permits we may allow some of them to use other pocket knifes to try whittling a piece of wood.
- For Bears this course will complete the Bear Claws Adventure and allow your Bear to earn his Whittling Chip Card.
- For 1st year Webelos this isn’t a requirement for rank but the training is required to allow your Webelos to earn his Whittling Chip Card. The first year den leader may opt to skip the hands on portion of the training and work on other requirements.
- For 2nd year Webelos this is one of the requirements for the Arrow of Light Scouting Adventure.
- For returning Webelos who have already earned their Whittling Chip Card, this training is required by the pack in order to upkeep the privilege of the whittling chip.
Attached below are a parent letter describing the course, a copy of safety rules and care tips they can keep, and a parent permission slip. Your scout must sign the permissions slip to acknowledge the rules, and a parent or guardian must also sign the slip acknowledging the rules and giving the scout permission to participate and earn his whittling chip. This slip along *MUST* be turned no later than Monday January 23rd. Without this, your scout cannot earn his whittling chip.
The Bear and Webelos Den leaders also asked that their scouts complete the cyberchip requirements by Monday January 30th. We will make another post regarding those shortly.