Tonight, a number of boys passed their Webelos badge or their Arrow of Light award. Congratulations! A few boys still have to visit a Boy Scout troop to earn their Arrow of Light. That is scheduled for next week.
After the review for their ranks, all Webelos worked on the Heritages belt loop. They may need help with some of their family members’ names and their countries of origin. Completing the Heritages belt loop is the last requirement for the Family member activity that they started last week.
Next week, the first year Webelos and Jared will be working on their Scientist Activity. All other Webelos will be sitting in on Troop 155’s meeting.
Webelos update 3-9-15
Tiger Parents (3/9/15)
Hello Tiger Cub Parents, tomorrow evening (Mon. 3/9/15) since weather will be a little nicer, the Tigers will be taking a “hike” around the church. Tigers will need to be in weather appropriate clothes and coats as well as sneakers or boots. Parent/Adult partners are urged to come with us. We prefer if you all walk with us, but we will need some of you to. We won’t be walking the entire hour, probably more like 30-40 minutes. See you all tomorrow!
Webelos update 2-28
This week, we will begin working on our Webelos badge and the Arrow of Light award. Im asking that the parents of the first year Webelos please read the Webelos badge requirements and sign off on Requirements 1 and 8 in the handbook. The boys need to bring their books in with them on Monday. The second year Webelos do not need to get anything signed but they should bring in their books to help prepare for the Arrow of Light.
Camp Cards, Camperships, and Friends of Scouting Oh My!
We just would like to follow up on a few things from Monday’s pack meeting…
Friends of Scouting
We would like to thank all those who have participated in Friends of Scouting so far. As we mentioned participation is far more important than amount collected and no contribution is too small. The goal is to show our support for scouting and the scouting program in whatever way we can and $5 is just as valuable as $500. If contributing right now is an issue you can simply commit to an amount and be billed. You could also spread your payments out monthly or quarterly to make things easier; $5/mth is $60 so it adds up quickly that way too.
What does Friends of Scouting (FoS) pay for? For starters it is the program from where all camperships come from. The average campership value was $80 (some more/some less depending on the camp program) meaning is you were able to donate $80, you’ve covered the cost of a campership for someone who otherwise may not be able to attend camp. It helps provide for our community based Cub Scout Day Camp programs throughout the council. Additionally it provides all of the support to make the program your scout is part of a success. Some examples are:
- Provide program resources used to plan and coordinate local unit programs.
- Provide basic leader training courses for adult leaders.
- Purchase audio-visual equipment and supplies to support training and program in local communities.
- Help pay liability insurance for registered adult leaders, chartered partners, youth members and the council.
- Offset the cost of background checks for all leaders.
- Pay for the cost of district professionals, who work with local leaders and communities to support and grow the Scouting program. These professionals recruit, train and support local volunteers who, in turn, work directly with youth to provide the Scouting program.
- Support local weekend programs, activities and the overall camping programs of the council.
- Support the maintenance and upkeep of council camping facilities including Musser and Resica Falls Scout Reservations.
Please bring your contribution form to the next scout meeting and remember Participation > Amount. Every donation will receive a flashlight for your scout, and every donation of $150 or more will receive a glow in the dark council shoulder patch and be invited to attend a special event.
Camp Cards
If anyone has money for camp cards, needs more, or wishes to get in on the fundraiser which helps your scout pay for summer camp please be sure to see Tim O’Keefe on Monday evening. How do the camp cards help you? Well for each $5 card you sell, up to half will be held in a ‘camp savings plan’ of sorts in order to assist your son with attending Summer Camp. Yes there are restrictions on how that can be used outlined in the attachment below
The deadline to submit your application for a Campership is Sunday March 1st. What exactly is a campership? Think of it as a scholarship or financial aid for Summer Camp valued up to 50% of the cost of camp. Get those applications in, because even if you do not plan on sending your son to camp, the camperships are transferable within the pack and you can help another scout get there. The form is attached below.
If asked for a password enter Pack155
Pack Meeting Tonight
Just a friendly reminder to let you know that all scouts should be in their full uniform tonight for the pack meeting.
Webelos Sleepover 2-20
Our sleepover is this Friday. Please remember to send your son with the following:
His model rocket (if he didn’t turn it in yet)
Warm clothes-We will be hiking around Pennypack Saturday
His Pinewood Derby car if he is staying for the workshop
An extra Blanket. The gym is a little chilly
I will be at the hall by 6 PM. please be there by 6:30. I have a lot planned for the boys. Make sure your son eats dinner on Friday before coming to the hall. We will have snacks on Friday, breakfast and lunch on Saturday. As long as the weather cooperates, we will launch the rockets Saturday morning after the hike. Above the freezing mark and no precipitation would be fantastic! City rules state that in order to launch a model rocket, the winds can’t be over 20 MPH. If you want to see the rockets fly, I can text you when we are close to launch time.
One last reminder: Monday night is our pack meeting. The boys will be getting all the awards they earned up until last Monday.
Bears & Webelos Progress Report – Feb 16, 2015
On Monday, February 16th, the Bears and Webelos completed their Knife Safety training. This class was designed to teach knife safety and additional rules that must be followed. While this is a requirement for Bears, the pack required Webelos scouts to re-certify their training each year.
Our program took 2 den meetings and started last week with an introduction to various bladed items, their differences, and the validity of their use. We then covered a series of safety requirements and sent home a permissions slip and some home work which had to have been turned back in.
Last night we collected the permission slips (we do not award a whittling chip without parent/guardian permission), went over the homework assignment, and went into more detail about the safety circle. We then broke up into small groups of 3 scouts and practiced everything learned, including whittling a bar of soap.
For the bears, who attended both sessions, this completed Bear Achievement 19: Shavings and Chips and your Bear had earned his Whittling Chip and will receive a Whitlin’Chip Patch. This is a temporary patch which can be centered on the wearer’s right pocket (not the pocket flap).
For the Webelos, who attended both sessions, this renewed your Whittling Chip and you will receive a new dated card. We will note on the card the previous dates you earned it as well, if you’d like.
We may or may not have activities that allow the use of a pocketknife and having an up to date whittling chip card is a requirement to participate in such activities. Without said card, the scout is not permitted to have a pocketknife nor use a pocketknife at scout functions.
Bears & Webelos Progress Report: February 9, 2015
On Monday, February 9th, the Bears and Webelos began their annual Knife Safety training. This class is designed to teach knife safety and additional rules that must be followed. While this is a requirement for Bears, the pack requires Webelos scouts to take the training each year as well.
Our program takes 2-3 hours depending on the attentiveness and behavior of the boys. We start with an introduction to various bladed items, teach them the differences, and validity of their usage. We then cover a series of safety requirements, administer a short test, and if they pass they will practice carving apples and soap.
- For Bears this course will complete Bear Achievement 19: Shavings and Chips and allow your Bear to earn his Whittling Chip Card.
- For new Webelos this isn’t a requirement for rank but the training is required to allow your Webelos to earn his Whittling Chip Card.
- For returning Webelos who have already earned their Whittling Chip Card, this training is required by the pack in order to upkeep the privilege of the whittling chip.
We may or may not have activities that allow the use of a pocketknife and having a whittling chip card is a requirement to participate in such activities.
That said, the scouts were handed a letter, a permission slip with the safety rules, a homework sheet, as well as a copy of safety rules and care tips they can keep. Your scout must sign the permissions slip to acknowledge the rules, and a parent or guardian must also sign the slip acknowledging the rules and giving the scout permission to participate and earn his whittling chip. This slip along with the homework sheet *MUST* be turned in on Monday February 16th. Without these, your scout cannot earn his whittling chip.
Webelos Update 2-2
Tonight, the scouts who bought rockets finished assembling them. I’d like to thank all the parents who helped glue the fins on. Their homework is to paint the rockets this week. They also need to do question #1 on the NOVA Science Everywhere paper that they received tonight. 2 of my scouts told me that they got in trouble and were banned from all electronics. I beg you to allow them to do their scout homework. (I promised to ask!). The other Webelos earned their Artist and Scientist belt loops tonight. It may be tough to believe that they are related, but we did an experiment to see how food cuoloring travels through plants and changes the colors of a Carnation’s petals. These scouts have no homework!
Next week, we will start knife safety and the following week, the boys will carve apples and soap with plastic knives. Scouts are NOT to bring their knives to these classes.
Webelos Sleepover February 20th
On Friday, February 20th, the scouts are invited to spend the night working on scout skills. We will be making tie dye T-shirts and paraffin fire starters for the Craftsman Activity Badge and clay sculptures for the Artist Activity Badge. The scouts will also earn the Video Games Belt Loop, Hiking Belt Loop, Disabilities Awareness Belt Loop and the Art Belt Loop.
Saturday morning, we will take a hike along the 2.5 mile path around Lincoln High School and launch our model rockets if the weather cooperates.
Saturday is also the pinewood derby workshop. The scouts should bring their pinewood derby kits, received at the Christmas party, and will go home after the workshop. More details will be posted on the workshop in a few days.
The cost is $15 per scout and will include all materials, Friday evening snacks and Saturday’s breakfast and lunch. Please be sure your scouts have dinner of Friday night before coming any time after 6:00 PM Friday night.
We are looking for a headcount by February 2nd and payment by the 9th so we can order the cotton t-shirts for dying. We will also need your scout’s shirt size.
Please contact Brian Gallen regarding this event. His contact information can be found on the event page within the Calendar at :