Welcome Back!
September 9th at 7:00 we are welcoming back our returning scouts. Come meet your cubscout leader for the year! I can’t wait to see all of our cubscouts and to hear the stories of their summers! Pass it on that September 30th is our Open House. Invite friends to come see what scouts are about.
Reminder of Summer Fun
Hi to all of our scouters!!!
Can you believe in about a month we are back into our scouting year??? As a reminder …..please have your scout write about some of the things that they did this past summer. You never know…..it could be towards a belt loop! Any questions please just ask! I can’t wait for our new year to start!
Ms. Regina
Cubmaster of the Best Scouts Ever!!!
Pack 1776
Terrific Time at National Night Out!
A big shout out and thank you to everyone who supported this wonderful community event, especially Ronni Faith Lotto for organizing this massive gathering and, of course, our local police force. It’s always a pleasure to reconnect with old friends and businessss, but so much better when you meet and connect with so many new ones as we did tonight! One of my most favorite things about scouting is the comraderie and bonding amongst the scouts and leaders. We truly become family. We enjoy one another immensely. We join together and work together, complementing one another…and tonight was no exception as all of our branches came out to represent. In case you weren’t aware, 1776 is comprised not only of Cub Scouts (boys and girls) but also includes Boy Scouts and Venturing Crew (co-ed). This means we not only spend a few years together, but grow and journey together until adulthood. Though we love our little group just way we are, we are always excited for new members and can’t wait to welcome into our group the many new faces we met tonight. Community is only as strong and upstanding as it’s members and we are proud to foster that in our children. So, thank you for your support and we hope to see you at our open house in September 😊
National Night Out With The Cub Scouts of Pack 1776
Good afternoon! Please join us at National Night Out on Tuesday August 6 at Russo Park across from St Hubert’s (torresdale And Blwigh) It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet with us and learn all about scouting from leaders and scouts alike- all while supporting local businesses and a great cause! The night opens at 4pm (until 8 pm) with our very own scouts raising the flag and leading the anthem! We can’t wit to see you, so come on out!
Oh the fun we had at Valley Forge
We had a wonderful (approx) 5 mile hike at Valley Forge last month. The weather was perfect and the company even better. It was a nice turnout for scout attendance and even though the paths we took did not lead us to he dinosaur fossils, there’s always next time! Way to go Cubs Dennis, Evan and Megan! You are 1/3 of the way toward your summer participation badge! Can’t wait to see who joins us in August!! Have a happy and safe summer ☀️ check out some pictures! https://scouting1776.sharepoint.com/:i:/r/teams/PackLeaders/Shared%20Documents/Photos/20190622%20-%20Valley%20Forge%20Hike/IMG_4623.JPG?csf=1&e=PeEY2I
Fishing at New Falls Township Community Park
Our Fishing trip at New Falls Township Community Park is this Saturday, July 13th. Scouts will get to learn the basics about fishing and hopefully catch a few fish of their own. Scouts and their families will be meeting at the boat launch parking area at 10am and we will begin fishing at 10:30am.
Even though we are still a few days away, Saturday looks like it will be a perfect day but keep in mind that the temperature is foretasted to be close to 90 degrees. One of our leaders will have a cooler with extra ice and water for the scouts but we do ask that scouts and their families pack a lunch for this event, as well as extra water, sun screen and even a hat to keep the sun off of your face. If you have fishing equipment please bring that as well;extra rods are limited. Parents please keep in mind, if you plan to fish with your child or have a child 16 and older that will be joining us(and fishing), you will be required to have a 2019 FISHING LICENSE for PA.
New Falls Township Community Park is located at 9061 Mill Creek Road Levittown, PA 19054. If you have any questions, please contact me at Dgriess@cubscoutpack1776.org
Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday!
Happy 4th of July from Cub Scout Pack 1776
Wishing you all a Happy and Safe Fourth of July from Cub Scout Pack 1776.
As you are enjoying time with your families, take the time to reflect on the true meaning of the Fourth of July. The Fourth of July is one of the most revered and celebrated days in American history. This is a day where we appreciate our nation’s freedom and commemorate America’s adoption of the Declaration of Independence.
Camping supply list
With a camping trip in the near future I thought this might be a good information to put out there.
Basic Supply List:
- A pocketknife (Bears & Webelos Scouts Only must have Whittling chip card)
- A first-aid kit
- Bring extra clothing to match the weather. Multiple layers are better than a single massive jacket, because layered clothing is adaptable to a wide range of temperatures.
- Rain gear is very important. Being wet from rain may result in hypothermia, a potentially fatal condition.
- Flashlight is important for finding your way in the dark.
- Trail food is good for maintaining your energy.
- Water can prevent dehydration, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.
- Sun protection might include sunblock, sunglasses, lip balm and a wide-brimmed hat.
- Map and compass are probably the most important tools you can carry in case you get lost.
- Tent and Sleeping Bag
Here are some additional items to consider:
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Dental floss
- Biodegradable Soap
- Comb
- Water-less hand cleaner
- Small towel
- Washcloth
- Toilet paper (always have extra toilet paper on hand)
Cooking and eating
- Mess Kit
- Cup or insulated mug
- Multi-tool (fork/spoon set)
- Watch
- Camera
- Notebook
- Pen or pencil
- Sunglasses
- Gloves
- Whistle
- Nylon cord
- Insect repellent
- Repair kit
- Hiking stick or trekking poles
- Binoculars
- Fishing gear ( Over 16 must have a license)
- Animal identification books, plant keys, geological studies, star charts or other guides
- Bike (Helmet required)
- Water, Water, Water