Calling all 1776 families! (Program Updates)

Happy weekend, Pack 1776 families! We hope all of the scouts are having a great start to the school year, although we know it looks a bit different. Parents and guardians, please check your email. Our cubmaster has sent out an update with guidelines and program ideas for the 2020-2021 scouting year. Included in the email is a 1-2minute survey that we are asking all parents/guardians to fill out in order to help us plan for our program. The survey results and guidelines will be discussed at a zoom parent meeting on Monday Sept 21st, at 7pm. The zoom link and login information will be sent via email that morning.

If you did not receive this email, check spam. If it is still not there, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email, or on Facebook messenger and we will make sure you get it. Any questions you may have can be filled out on the survey and addressed during the parent meeting. We look forward to seeing familiar faces on zoom and hopefully finding our way back to the scouting trail, safely, soon.

Yours In Scouting,

The leaders of Pack 1776

Our Wolves are almost Bears!!

we also have participated in a flag folding ceremony via video instruction and discussion, snd watched a video and learned about campfire safety and held a discussion about a situation/change in our community.  We chose the virus and schooling from home and the rules we must follow.  There is no doubt the Wolves get it and are educated on the situation and are doing what they are supposed to.  It got them thinking about ways to get through this and that’s a win!

Over the next 2 weeks we will be wrapping up our program with more instruction to conclude their adventures for the year.  We will keep in touch and plan for summer as best we can and we CANNOT WAIT to see all of  your smiling faces again!


Monday Night Adventure

Baloo HikingAs our mighty cubs are finishing up their schooling for the day and fueling for our meeting tonight, I want to remind den parents about tonight’s meeting. Weather permitting, the Tigers, Wolves and Bears are going on a one-mile hike around the neighborhood tonight and looking to find evidence of wildlife in nature.

All scouts should have sturdy footwear, a water bottle, flashlight, and appropriate outerwear for the weather. The predicted temperature for 7:00pm is 64 degrees F. Scouts are encouraged to bring a backpack with their six essentials to prepare for longer hikes and adventures if they desire.

Flying High with the Wolf Den

 Last night our wolves put their creativity and engineering skills to the test. Each scout decided upon a paper airplane design to make and see how well and far it would fly. We conducted our first experiment based on the original design, then made adjustments we felt would make them fly more efficiently and then again. Each change helped them learn and demonstrate aerodynamics and problem solve how to fix what’s not working and how to improve what is- all great skills necessary in every endeavor in life, and a super fun way to learn! Next week we take our flight to a new level and build a paper plane catapult to soar even higher – or so we hope – we will find out!

upcoming Wolf adventure for Monday Feb 24

To us Wolves, we may as well rename Monday ‘FUNDAY”!  Our kids are constantly collecting things and getting more interested in hobbies, so we want to know just what it is that makes your little cub tick!  This Funday, we are asking wolves to bring in something they collect.  Maybe it’s Pokemon cards, or beyblades.  Maybe it’s rocks, fossils or dinosaurs; sports stuff or comic books.  If your child is anything like mine, it’s probably all of the above and more.  So, have your little Wolf select one of his collections and bring it in for our version of Show and Tell.  Scouts are welcome to bring whatever they wish (with parental approval, of course), but we recommend if the items are fragile or valuable, maybe those should be left at home,  Please understand the leaders will of course be doing our best to ensure all items are properly handled and taken care of, but we cannot 100% guarantee anything.  I know I am really excited to hear all about my Wolves’ interests and collections – I hope they are just as excited to share!

Wolves are getting ready for Spring with hiking and camping preparedness

Cub Scout Six Essentials Over the past two weeks, wolves have worked on various required and elective adventures related to hiking, camping and being prepared.  Our program is designed to teach safety, as represented by the buddy system, what to do in an emergency, how to handle different weather conditions and natural disasters, signaling for help, what items to have on hand, and more.  We also learned about the outdoor code and general principles on how to treat the land and wildlife.  Our cubs built first aid kits and learned a new knot.   All in all, this is all prep for the fun hiking and camping activities that we have scheduled for the warmer days ahead.  The best part is: these skills are not only useful for hiking and camping – they are life skills that can and should be applied to any outing, school trip, vacations and experiences.  So, parents, we encourage you to review our six essentials and other preparedness measures with your child at every opportunity.  Really all it requires is common sense and repetition on your part.  All of our guidelines and lists may be found on the BSA website, on scoutbook and in the wolf manual! So, just remember  – outings are fun, but a lot more so when we know our child is safe and prepared!

Wolves have mad Paws of Skill!

Physical Fitness Academics & Sports EmblemWolves were on fire tonight with adrenaline!  We learned about the many benefits of exercise, physically and mentally and the importance of stretching, in addition to learning specific stretches and exercises, what we really came away with was Exercise isn’t a chore or a drag. You don’t have to just do push-ups or jumping jacks – exercise is found in many activities – especially play. EXERCISE IS FUN!!  Join us next week when we wrap up this adventure with a friendly soccer game between dens – what better way to  demonstrate the good sportsmanship we discussed tonight!  And PARENTS- we’d love for you to join us, so gear up! See you next week.

Wolf Den – January 20, 2020

Wolf Elective Adventure: Adventures in CoinsTonight was spent learning the value of money and how it’s minted. We identified the different markings and what they signify, explored the differences in weight and size and metal, recognized the values and played a coin toss game.

Congratulations to tonight’s attendees for earning your adventures in coins belt loop! We concluded the night with a review of Bobcat and the meanings behind the oath, law, scout sign and handshake. See you all next week!

Goings On in the Wolf Den

The year is already off to a terrific and productive start with our young Wolves.  With 2 earned beltloops out of 6 required for moving to the next level and some fun electives peppered in, we are really having a great time telling campfire stories, creating new ones of our own, preparing a skit, playing games with a focus on fitness, good sportsmanship and teamwork, and learning about nutrition. Stay tuned for next week’s Wolf Den recap! Until then…

What a fun Open House!

A warm thanks to everyone who came out tonight to the Cub Scout Pack 1776 Open House. We saw many new faces, as well as our dear familiar ones. The children thoroughly enjoyed “SCIENCE!” With Dan, electrical circuitry with Mike, Catapults of Fun and corn hole with Nora and Digging for Dinosaurs with Kristine. We all had an evening of learning through fun, comradery, and laughs. A special thank you to the boy scouts and venturing crew (both of 1776) who assisted us tonight, and of course to Regina, our Cub Master, who met with all of the parents.  We really have a great group here, and we very much look forward to expanding our cub community! See     you all next week!

**Remember, it’s never too late to meet with us. If you were unavailable for our Open House, you are welcome to swing by any Monday meeting between 7:00PM and 8:00PM!