Software Bug – Oops!

Computer Bug

The software module that sends out email notifications received an update yesterday that was designed to include several fixes and tweaks. It turned out that the fix, included a bug that prevented two keywords, one of which was the ###NAME### keyword, from showing the correct details while sending post notification emails.

As luck would have it, our post was published approximately 5-10 minutes before the fix was released which resulted in notification emails going out with incorrect names. We have applied the fix to resolve this issue and apologize for the mishap that occurred this morning

Welcome to the 2017-2018 Scouting Year

Welcome back to a new scouting season.  In addition to welcoming back our returning scouts we would also like to wish the best to our scouts who crossed over into the Boy Scouts at the end of the previous season.  Your pack wishes you the best of luck and hopes you enjoy your learning experience in the Boy Scouts.

We hope everyone had a great summer and after a summer of camping, day camp, resident camp, eclipse picnics, and more – we hope there are quite a few good stories to tell.  We would love to get feedback on any of the Summer activities you attended both in and out of Scouts.

New Season

RecruiterAs we get back into the swing of things with our weekly meetings starting back up on Monday, September 11th.  We have our Open House Monday September 25th. This is the time of the year for returning scouts to bring in any friends or family interested in scouting. So have your scout bring a friend and if that friend joins and pays their 2018 dues in full, the referring scout earns their recruiter badge, shown to the right.

During this time we will have a lot of new scouts showing up with an interest in scouting. We expect that our seasoned scouts will exhibit the core values of scouting and help make the new scouts feel welcome. They should take the time to introduce themselves, introduce new boys to other pack members & leaders, as well as assist them with earning the Bobcat rank.

Lion Program will continue

lionemblemThe Lion program was designed to introduce kindergarten-age boys and their families to the fun of Scouting. It is still considered a pilot program and Pack 1776 will be running a Lion Den again.

Lions are 5 or 6 year old boys in kindergarten and the Lion must be 5 years old by September 30 to participate.  The Lion and his adult partner attend the meetings and activities together. The Lion den is led by a Lion Guide, who is an experienced Cub Scout leader. The parents or Lion adult partners take turns leading the activities and den meetings for the Lions.  The Lion Guide helps mentor each Parent to prepare for their meeting/outing. The Den Meeting Plans are outlined in the Lion Parent and Leader Guidebook with simple easy to follow step by step instructions listing everything down to any supplies needed.

Shawna, who has been our Tiger Den leader for several years, and the Lion Guide last year will be the Lion Guide again.  So if your scout has any younger siblings normally just beyond scouting age, or any friends neighbors with scouts of kindergarten age patiently waiting to join the Cub Scouts. Now is their chance.

Other News


Cub Scouts is a family program and as such girls have always been allowed to take part in pack activities such as holiday parties and camping trips. Cub Scout aged females have also always been allowed to participate in district and council run activities such as fall fest, and day camp. In accordance with this, our pack is open to allowing cub scout aged girls to fully participate in our cub scout program. While they cannot officially register as a Cub Scout nor wear the official uniform, as a family member of someone in the cub scout program, they are welcome to participate and get the same experience.  The key to allowing this, is that the potential scout must be related to someone within the pack, whether it be another scout or an adult. Again, I must stress the importance of this – the only way that they can participate in the program and ensure that they are covered by the program, is that they must be a family member of someone in the program.


Cub Scout HandbooksFor returning scouts, your new handbooks have already been paid for and will be distributed by or at our first Pack Meeting. It is around this first pack meeting that we start getting knee-deep into advancement, and it will be around the time we are picking up the awards and Bobcat rank patches.  As they start to become available we will distribute them.


Solar Eclipse Patches

According to National Supply, we should have the eclipse patches for those that attended our Eclipse Viewing Picnic, in October.  The same day that the National Supply Group announced the patches, they went into a back order status. From there they continued to extend the last day of purchase until finally closing the ability to purchase on Sept 4th. We are told they are due in sometime in October – hopefully they will get here sooner.


Don’t forget to keep an eye on the calendar. Click the Calendar link at the top of this page and bookmark it. We are getting ready to populate it with our planned activities as well as a bunch of optional activities that you can do with your scout which would be fun and may help them earn requirements. Additionally, one of our leaders has volunteered to make a printed monthly calendar to hand out instead of our biannual printed calendar. We are working on the details but we have some additional ideas in store to go with this that you may find useful.

Website Updates

We have added a new feature to the website, so that when a new post is made it automatically emails everyone that is subscribed. This serves two purposes: 1) You will always get notified when we post something new to the website, and 2) We no longer have to manually create a follow up email for those really important posts we want to get out. We took the liberty of importing all parents into the list and the email you received notifying you of this post is the first email.  We plan to add improvements to this to try and prevent ‘den-specific’ posts from notifying you, but we aren’t quite there yet.

Cub Fun Day – Saturday September 16th

Cub Scout FunThe Roosevelt District is hosting a Cub Scout Fun Day on Saturday September 16th, at Wissinoming Park, from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM. It will be a fun filled day of Cub Scout Activities and Games.  The event is free for activities and events; there will be food and refreshments available for purchase.  As with most scout activities this is a rain or shine event. All scouts are invited to bring a few of their friends to show them what Cub Scouts is all about. Pack 1776 will have applications available for anyone that is interested in signing up.  Additionally, Den Leader and Cubmaster Position Specific Training will be available for anyone interested in learning what being a Den Leader or Cubmaster is all about.


We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday the 11th and hearing what other exciting things you did over the Summer.  We have a lot of fresh ideas this year and are excited for a great year!

Welcome Back!  For new families, welcome to Cub Scouts!

Solar Eclipse

As most of you know, this Monday there will be a total solar eclipse. But did you know you can earn a patch for experiencing such a rare event? To provide context to the rarity of this event, the last time a total solar eclipse was visible anywhere in the mainland United States was in February 1979 and the last time a total solar eclipse was visible across the entire contiguous United States was in June 1918. The next two total solar eclipses to cross the United States will be in April of 2024 and August 2045.

Venturing Crew 1776 will be hosting a Eclipse picnic party for all the scouts that meet at Saints United Lutheran Church from 11:30AM to 4:30PM so that the scouts can watch the eclipse, work on the patch requirements, and have fun. For anyone that missed the Hickory Run camping trip, this is a great opportunity to get in an August Pack Activity.

If your interested in joining us please RSVP at Families that participate are asked to bring a snack such as chips, pretzels, dips, cookies, brownies, etc.

For those that want to make the eclipse viewing box, bring your supplies and we can work together building them.

Solar Eclipse Viewer Supplies

Small box with a lid (A shoebox is perfect.)
Small square of aluminum foil
Small square of white paper
Utility knife or hobby knife

If you want to make it at home, we have attached the link with full instructions.

2016 Hickory Run Camping Trip

Cub Scout Pack 155 Tent CampingOur August camping trip, our final Summer activity, to Hickory Run State Park is just a couple of weeks out. It is time to start collecting headcounts and payments.

When:  August 4th – August 6th
Where: Hickory Run State Park
Cost: $20 per person
Includes: All meals (Friday dinner through Sunday Breakfast & Campfire Snacks)

Full details: Camping: Hickory Run State Park

Headcounts must be received by July 31st, 2017 and payments must be received no later than Thursday August 3rd, 2017.

It is preferred that you email us your headcounts to Even if you previously told someone that you were attending, we still need you to send an email. We will be available at the Saints United Gym on the following dates and times to collect payments and in person headcounts, additional dates and times may be added.

  • Tuesday July 18th, 2017 from 6:30 PM until 7:30 PM (Dan, Karen, Tom)
  • Tuesday August 1st, 2017 from 6:30 PM until 7:30 PM (Dan)
  • Thursday August 3rd, 2017 from 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM (Karen, Tom)

Please see the full event details at  Camping: Hickory Run State Park – to know what gear one should bring.

2017 Fort Washington Camping Trip

Cub Scout Pack 155 Tent Camping

Our camping trip is this weekend from Friday June 16th through Sunday June 18th at Fort Washington State Park.  We will be camping at Site A, off of the Ridge Rd loop.


The weather is expected to be cloudy and a bit muggy over the weekend with the temperature ranging between 66-89°.  On Saturday there is a 41-58% chance of rain with 65-82% cloud cover between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM and then overnight there is a 47-52% change of rain with  51-67% cloud cover from 11:00PM to 4:00 AM. In a nutshell, there could be some scattered showers and/or thunderstorms but on a positive note, no warnings have been issued.  So be sure to bring some rain gear as it looks like there could be a couple of showers but nothing serious.


This weekend the scouts will work on cooking, all meals will be cooked directly on the campfires without camp stoves. The goal is to have the scouts experience open fire cooking and participate where applicable for their age and rank. The following meals will be covered along with campfire snacks:

  • Friday Evening: Beefy Mac (choice of sauce and/or cheese)
  • Saturday Breakfast: Dutch Oven Breakfast Casserole & Fruit
  • Saturday Lunch: Foil Packs & Leftover Beefy Mac
  • Saturday Dinner: Dump Stew & Mexican Rice
  • Sunday Breakfast: Bagels, Fruit, pork roll & cheese sandwiches

Outdoor Essentials for Cub Scouts

  • Personal first aid kit
  • Filled water bottle
  • Flashlight with spare bulb and batteries
  • Whistle
  • Rain Gear
  • Sunscreen
  • Trail Food
  • Map & Compass

With permission and appropriate training:

  • Pocketknife (Whittling Chip required for scout activities)

** If you or your scout require any medications please be sure to bring them and store them in a zip lock bag **

What you have above, is the basics necessary for taking care of yourself outdoors. It is vital to always have the above with your regardless of the activity type you are participating in.

Now for our camping trip the following items, in addition to the items above, are necessary for this weekend to be a successful and safe weekend.

  • Backpack for your gear
  • Scout Uniform hat or billed hat (ball cap)
  • A knit cap is great to sleep in if you get cold easily
  • Clothes to sleep in (pajamas or sweats)
  • Sweatshirt and/or Jacket
  • Hiking boots (it is recommended that you scotchguard them)
  • Rain Gear (jacket and pants preferred over poncho)
  • Extra shoes, socks & underwear.
  • Extra set of clothes
  • Tent, poles, and stakes
  • Waterproof ground cloth (tarp or plastic sheet)
  • Sleeping bag +20 degree recommended (if it has cartoons or super-heroes on it it is NOT a sleeping bag)
  • Sleeping Pad
  • Pillow
  • Extra blanket (optional but could be necessary).
  • Insect Repellent
  • Sunscreen
  • Cup or Mug and Mess Kit
  • Toilet paper (remove tube, crush and put in zip lock bag) this is a must have !!!
  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste
  • Soap, washcloth, towel
  • Cub Scout Handbook (in plastic bag)
  • Good Attitude!


  • Camp/Lawn chairs
  • Lantern
  • cooler/ice chest


Here is a link to the map. You can see the organized tent camping area just below the intersection of Joshua Road, and Militia Hill Road. You can enter the part either on Joshua Road or Militia Hill Road (near Skippack Pike).

If you are using a GPS you can use the following address, which is for the Militia Hill Day Use area:

420 Militia Hill Road,
Fort Washington, PA 19034

Blue & Gold, Camping Trip, Camp Cards

Blue & Gold BanquetBlue & Gold

A quick reminder that we will need your head count for this Saturday’s event at the meeting on Monday June 5, 2017.  If you will not be attending the ceremony we still need a response letting us know.  If you will not make the meeting you can email us to let us know.  The scout and two guests are free. Additional tickets may be purchased on Monday June 5th between 7:00 – 8:00 at the gym. Full details and cost of ticket can be found at End of Year Award Ceremony.  Please note the doors open at 12:15 PM and the event begins at 1:00. There will be a very limited number of tickets available at the door, first come first serve, for a higher cost. See above link for details.

June Camping Trip

A reminder that out June Camping Trip to Fort Washington State Park is scheduled for June 16th – 18th. We need a full headcount for this, also on Monday June 5th. The full details of the event can be found at Camping Trip: Fort Washington State Park. Payment for this trip will be collected the same night if you haven’t already paid. Additional information regarding how to pack and what to expect will be coming the week of the trip. This will be the first activity offered for your scout to earn the National Summertime Activity Award for participation in Summer activities as a pack and den.

Camp CardsCamp Cards

For those who were selling camp cards, all money and/or unsold camp cards are due on Monday June 5th, 2017. We need full payment or cards on this date so please be sure to bring everything.

Head Counts Needed

This Monday, 6/5/2017, we need head counts !!

This is our last meeting before the Blue and Gold this Saturday. Please make sure to get your head count and payment in this Monday.


If you haven’t signed up already for the June camping trip on the 16th – 18th, you can do so Monday.


Both events are listed on the calendar if you need more info of date and times. You can also email us if you have any questions or concerns.


Firehouse Visit (5/15/17)…

Attention LIONS, TIGERS, WOLVES & BEARS we are having our annual Firehouse visit this Monday (5/15/17) at 6:30pm. We will meet AT the Firehouse. It is located at 7818 Frankford Ave, 19136 (right by Holmesburg Branch library). It is Engine 36, Ladder 20. We ask that adults stay for the duration of the tour, because if the firehouse gets a call, they have to go. If your cubs have uniforms, please have them wear them. This will be the meeting for the week, we will meet here and dismiss from there. So, we’ll see you all on Monday and we’ll meet in front of the firehouse, by the flagpole.

This weekend’s camping trip is cancelled

After much deliberation, discussions with the park rangers, and hoping the weather patterns would change — we feel it is in the best interest of everyone to postpone this weekend’s camping trip.

We are expecting rain from 2AM until 4PM with a bit of a break before rain again from 8PM until 2AM.  There are expected thunderstorms on Friday afternoon and Friday night. While there will be a break from the rain from 2AM until 2PM Saturday, the ground will be overly saturated making it extremely messy for setting up test — only to have it rain again from 2PM until 7PM Saturday.

Fort Washington does not provide us adequate shelter to move the scouts indoors during thunder and lightning which poses a safety risk.  Additionally, these conditions are not conducive for some of the activities we had planned.

We hope everyone understands that our goal is to ensure the safety of our scouts first, and a positive experience second. We believe this weekend would provide neither.   We tentatively have Fort Washington rescheduled for our June camping trip but are evaluating other options in the interim.

Parents may request a refund of monies paid for this weekend or apply it to the next activity or camping trip.

2017 Pinewood Derby Champions

Let's Get Down and DerbyI would like to thank everyone who came out this weekend for our 2017 Pinewood Derby. It was a huge success and it appeared that all of the boys had a great time. I would like to thank those who volunteered their time to help run the derby and make the event the success that it was. Thank You!

This year’s derby was very competitive with more than half of the cars within 6 points of each other during the first race. When we finally narrowed it down, there was a tie for first place with the tie breaking race being a mere 0.001s difference in crossing the finish line according to the electronic timer.  We even had a tie for 2nd place best in show, that required an additional vote to break.

Race Winners:

  • Aedhan S. #10
  • Kevin O. #07
  • Ethan G. #05

Best in Show:  

  • Philip B. #18
  • Callum G. #19

Once again congratulations to all of our winners.

The first & second place race winners and the first place best in show will go to the district final on Saturday April 29th. Due to other engagements the 1st and 3rd place cars are unable to make the district pinewood derby.  Pack 1776 will be represented at the district derby by the following scouts. We wish you the best of luck and hope you represent the pack like true scouts.


  • Kevin O.
  • Jayden J-R.


  • Philip B.

Note: Please let us know if you have pictures and videos we can share.  Send to cubmaster (at) cubscoutpack1776 (dot) org and we will get them posted for you.