2017 Dues Deadline

DuesJust a quick reminder for those who have not yet paid their 2017 dues that the deadline to have your dues paid in full is here. All 2017 dues must be paid in full by Monday December 5th, 2016.

Please note that the 2017 dues *DO NOT* include the prorated dues which were required by some to cover the remainder of the 2016 year.  If for some reason those dues were not paid, then it will be deducted out of your payment for 2017 before being applied to the 2017 dues.

We will be working on the charter renewal paperwork and getting it signed off on by the church in order to turn it in by our December 15th deadline. Those who have not paid in full will remain registered through December 31st but will need to re-register which means a new application will need to be submitted along with any applicable registration fees.

Your assistance in helping us get all of our paperwork completed and turned in on time is greatly appreciated.   If you have any problems, please be sure to reach out to us, sooner rather than later, to discuss.

No Meeting – Turkey Recovery Day

No Meeting
We hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend. As you start to get back into the swing of things after the long weekend, and massive amounts of turkey and turkey leftovers — Just remember that we have no meeting tonight.

We will meet back up on Monday December 5th, and have our Pack Meeting on Monday December 12th.

Happy Thanksgiving

We would like to wish the entire Cub Scout Pack 1776 family a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday.  Throughout the course of our lives it is often far easier to ask for favors than it is to give thanks.  When times are dark we often neglect the good we have to be thankful for.  This day was set aside so that we may reflect on all of the good bestowed upon our lives, because even in the darkest hour there is that ray of light to be thankful for despite it always being overlooked.

On this day of prayer and reflection, we can look to the words of George Washington as he makes the first official proclamation of Thanksgiving to a fledgeling nation. [Read more…]

2016 Scouting for Food Summary

Scouting For Food PatchI want to thank everyone who came out to help us with this year’s Scouting for Food drive; all of the scouts, parents, sibling, former scouts and their families, friends of the pack, the leaders, and Crew 1776.  While Scouting for Food may seem like more work than fun, the program goes a long way to to helping families who worry about where their next meal will come from.

This year, Pack 1776 collected 1,059 food items weighing in a 1,011 lbs. To put this in another perspective we collected a “half ton of food”, all of which was donated to the food bank at St. John’s Lutheran Church who works closely with Saints United Lutheran Church (our Chartered Organization) to provide meals to families in need from 9 different zip codes.

We had 18 cub scouts, 8 additional scouts, 7 siblings, 13 adults and 10 leaders participate in this service project with us. Over the two weekends combined, Pack 1776 completed 254 combined service hours.

Scouting for FoodNot only should the scouts be commended for their tremendous efforts but a hearty thank you goes out to all of the parents, siblings and others who helped to make this annual food drive a success. Some walked with a group of kids, others followed behind with a vehicle to collect food items, while others helped unload, count and sort the food.  All of the cub scouts had a great time while performing a good turn and they most certainly did their best.

Once again, thank you to everyone involved.

Note: All Cub Scouts will have their service hours added to Scoutbook.

2016 Scouting for Food (Collection)

Scouting for Food

We will meet at 10:00 AM Saturday morning for the second part of our Scouting for Food initiative.  This is one of the largest food drives in the nation and helps feed many people.  This is also the most important day of this initiative and we can use all the help we can get from our scouts. Feel free to bring friends and family to assist.

We will meet in the gym to break into groups.  Each group will require someone with a truck to follow them in order to collect the bags of canned goods.  As the vehicles fill we will unload at the gym to count the items and load them onto the trailer.  Once we have canvassed our area, we will take all goods to the food bank at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church which is just up the street.

Please make sure to dress warm, dress in layers as it will be cold. Also bring you hat and gloves. We will be outside a majority of the morning.  Don’t forget a water bottle to stay hydrated!!

Don’t forget we are having a sleepover at the gym for those scouts who participated in Scouting for Food.  Please see the following posts and calendar items for more information on the sleepover:

Sleepover Post
Sleepover Calendar Item

2016 Scouting for Food Sleepover

sleepoverDon’t forget we are having a sleepover pizza party for those who participated in the Scouting for Food service project.  After we finish up with Scouting for Food this Saturday, everyone will go home for a break and then we will head back to the gym around 6:30 for our sleepover.

This sleepover is a great first overnight activity for new scouts and younger scouts to get used to spending the night with a larger group. Lions, Tigers, and Wolves are required to have a parent spend the night with them.  For the older scouts it depends on the maturity of the scout and his comfort level sleeping out with a group of people.

The cost for the sleepover is $5 for a single or $10 per family, to cover the cost of pizza, snacks, breakfast, and beverages. If your scout participated in Scouting for Food but cannot spend that night. Your scout is still welcome to attend and leave at the end of the night. The cost if you are not spending the night will simply be $2.50/per person.

Please send an email to Cubmaster Email with your scout’s name and the names of anyone who will be attending with your scout. I know some of you signed up but some put their scout’s name without any indication if there was an adult staying with them or not. It is important that we have a proper headcount by Saturday morning so that we can ensure we can purchase enough supplies.  Money for the sleepover can be paid on Saturday.

For those sleeping over here is a list of things that they should bring along:

  • Pajamas
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Pillow
  • Foam Pad/Air Pad/Bedroll (optional)
  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste
  • Flashlight (optional)
  • Necessary Medications (this includes emergency items such as inhalers, epi-pens, insulin and the such).
  • Items pertaining to dietary restrictions.
  • Warm clothing (including hat & gloves) in case we decide on a short night hike.

We will see you all at 10:00 AM Saturday morning to collect our bags.


2017 Discounted Dues Deadline Today

Dues Just a reminder that today is the deadline to receive an early bird special on the 2017 dues. Paying your 2017 dues in full by tonight will qualify for an early bird discount for you or a free Boys’ Life Magazine subscription for your scout.

If you unable to pay your dues in full for the discount please note that the deadline to have 2017 dues paid in full is Monday December 5th.  We need to have the 2017 charter paperwork ready for signatures by Dec 10th and turned into the Cradle of Liberty Council by Dec 15th. This gives us a very narrow window to get all of the paperwork turned in and get the signatures required collected. Your assistance in helping us get all of our paperwork completed and turned in on time is greatly appreciated.

Please note that the 2017 dues DO NOT include the dues that were required for the remainder of 2016 season. If there is still an outstanding balance on 2016 dues, this will be deducted before any balance is applied toward the 2017 dues.

If you have any problems or concerns please be sure to reach out to us, sooner rather than later, to discuss.

2016 Scouting for Food Bag Distribution Followup

Scouting for Food We kicked off our Scouting for Food drive yesterday and we would like to thank everyone that came out to volunteer a few hours of their Saturday morning.  It was a sunny morning and we had plenty of hot chocolate, coffee, tea and munchkins to keep everyone fueled.

Due to your assistance we covered all but one of the areas we normally cover during Scouting for Food. The combined effort of the scouts, parents, and siblings – at approximately 2.5 hours per volunteer – added up quite well, netting 83 hours of community service yesterday.

For those of you who could not make it yesterday, we still have plenty of bags available. Therefore, if you would like to take some bags for your own neighborhood , please do so.  You would simply need to pick up the filled bags before coming to the gym next Saturday morning.

Remember that next Saturday will be the busier of the two weekends and we would like to have maximum participation. The more volunteers we have the easier and faster the day will go.  We will be meeting at 10AM and there will be a reminder post that goes out Thursday or Friday morning.

Thanks again for coming out and enjoy the rest of your weekend an

2016 Scouting for Food (Bag Distribution)

Scouting for Food

This Saturday, Nov 12th, we will be meeting at the Gym at 10:00am to begin our annual Scouting for Food Drive.

Scouting For Food is one of nation’s largest food drives that Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturing Crew members participate in to support their local Food Pantries and Hunger Relief agencies. The Scouts of the Cradle of Liberty Council have continuously exceeded expectations and fully stocked dozens of our partner agencies with bags of canned food.

Everyone will be divided into groups with multiple adults per group and we will go out and place bags on all doors within our given area.

The time accumulated this weekend and next will count as community service for the scouts and maximum participation may help us qualify for the Messengers of Peace award.


2017 Discounted Dues Deadline

Dues Just a reminder that the early bird deadline is just around the corner. Paying your 2017 dues in full by November 14th will qualify for an early bird discount for you or a free Boys’ Life Magazine subscription for your scout.

If you unable to pay your dues in full for the discount please note that the deadline to have 2017 dues paid in full is Monday December 5th.  We need to have the 2017 charter paperwork ready for signatures by Dec 10th and turned into the Cradle of Liberty Council by Dec 15th. This gives us a very narrow window to get all of the paperwork turned in and get the signatures required collected. Your assistance in helping us get all of our paperwork completed and turned in on time is greatly appreciated.

Please note that the 2017 dues DO NOT include the dues that were required for the remainder of 2016 season. If there is still an outstanding balance on 2016 dues, this will be deducted before any balance is applied toward the 2017 dues.

If you have any problems or concerns please be sure to reach out to us, sooner rather than later, to discuss.