Today’s Hike – Don’t Forget

Baden-Powell HikerDon’t forget

  • filled water bottles – You MUST have water.
  • a light lunch – We will stop for a good 15-20 minute lunch break.
  • trail snacks – keep that energy up
  • Bug spray – it was a mild winter and spring – that means mosquitos and ticks are plentiful.
  • Sun screen – you don’t want to burn up.
  • Scout Uniforms – Scouts are strongly urged to be in uniform – class A or B.

NOTE: We will be meeting in the bottom parking lot. So when you enter, continue all the way down to the bottom.

2016 Spring Hike

The path we will be taking is a local path that will start with approximately 2.5 miles of unpaved trail followed by 1.2 miles of paved trail ending with about a quarter mile unpaved again. This is a very flat trail and there isn’t much in the way of inclines, declines nor actual hiking obstacles such as rocky terrain etc…As with any other scouting event, preparation is key. While it is not a hot summer day, maintaining hydration, adequate energy levels and protecting your skin are the three most important things to keep in mind. EVERY Person, youth & adult, will be required to carry a filled water bottle with them as well has have some trail food with them.

It is also important to remember that you will need to carry whatever you bring with you for the entire hike, so try not to overdo it.  Each boy should be able to carry his own gear and it is recommended that he bring a backpack to carry his stuff.

So what do you need to bring along?  Let’s get right down to it…Baloo Hiking

  • Water Bottle filled with WATER ONLY
  • Scout Cap or baseball cap
  • Class A or Class B uniform preferred
  • Long Pants
  • Good Walking/Hiking shoes
  • Spare Socks
  • Pocket First Aid Kit
  • Whistle
  • Trail Food
  • Light Bagged Lunch (nothing heavy, may have a small sports drink with lunch but no soda, juice, or other sugary drinks)
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug Spray

Some additional information that you may find useful

  • Hiking Safety
    • Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return.
    • Never hike alone; use the buddy system.
    • Dress properly for the weather and environment.
    • Wear sun and insect protection
    • Take an extra pair of socks in case you need to change.
    • Obey traffic signs and signals.
    • Avoid hiking along roadways.
    • Stay on the trail.
    • Be alert to your surroundings.
    • Don’t litter as you hike.
    • Be alert to dangerous animals, insects, and plants. Never touch a wild animal.
    • Take 1 pint of water for each hour you will be hiking. Never drink untreated water.

You can find examples of hiking food here:
With a trail mix recipe here:
Information on Hiking gear can be found here:


2016 End of Year Celebration



mount olympusDetails:
This year’s celebration will be from 1:00 PM until 4:00 PM on Saturday May 21st at the Saints United Lutheran Church Gym.  It will be a themed event with a meal and snacks being provided. So plan on a mid afternoon meal in place of lunch or dinner.  The doors will be opened around 12:15 PM at which point you are welcome to assist with any final arrangements.

This is a ticketed event and each scout will receive three tickets; one for himself and two for guests. Additional tickets may be purchased at the cost of $10 for anyone 15+,$5 for those 6-14, and free for anyone under the age of 6. Tickets are not transferable to other families; we will have limited tickets available at the door which will cost $15 for those 15+, $10 for those under the age of 15. Pre-ordered tickets may be picked up Thursday May 19th at the Gym between 7:00-8:30 PM. If you can not make it that night, you can let us know and we will have them for you at the door.

We need all headcounts no later than 9:00 PM on Monday May 16th, so that we may purchase the correct amount of food.  We will have sign up sheets at the counter starting Monday May 9th so you can indicate how many tickets you will need.

Scouts are required to be in uniform for this event. Others should dress for a nice evening out with the family.

Fort Washington Fun Success

Baden Powell Scout on a raftWe would like to thank all of the families who attended our Fort Washington Camping Trip. Despite a chilly Friday night and a rainy Sunday morning; the camping trip was a huge success with about 45 people in attendance; including several families new to camping.

Saturday was a very busy day for the scouts. The dens covered several requirements that revolved around camping, cooking, and the outdoors this weekend. Tigers and Wolves went on a nature hike and learned a little about their surroundings; Bears worked on their fishing skills; Webelos worked on fire building without matches as well as knot tying and shelter building.

All scouts worked on the tent set up skills which ranged from choosing a good site to setting up their own tent. All scouts covered some of their cooking related skills which ranged, depending on level, from: planning their meals, preparing their meals; cooking on a campfire, or cleaning up after their meals.

We had one of the park rangers, with multiple degrees in the various GeoScience fields, answer questions from the scouts covering topics that consisted of different types of rocks, how rocks are formed, how underground water flows, how caves are formed, how to find water, pollution, water pollution and much more. He tackled anything the scouts could muster.

We closed off Saturday night with a great campfire program that consisted of marshmallow roasting, skits, and loud songs. We also announced the renumbering of our pack from Pack 155 to Pack 1776. Everyone was excited, had a blast, and is eagerly looking forward to the next camping trip.

No Meeting Monday May 2nd, 2016

No Meeting StickyDue to the long weekend of scouting, we will not be meeting on Monday May 2nd.  The scouts, their parents, and the leaders will be resting up and meet back up Monday May 9th, to wrap up any outstanding requirements that may linger before our end of year award ceremony on Saturday May 21st.

2016 Fort Washington Camping Trip Information

This post will be full of information to try and explain the logistics for the weekend…


We are camping at site A in the organized group tenting area. For those that were with us last year, when we were at site B, it is simply the next one up the road.  For those who have not been there, once you turn up the road to the organized group tenting sites, go to the last site that ends in a cul-de-sac. Site A holds 100 people, so we will have plenty of room to spread out.

Arrival & Departure Times

Please plan to arrive anytime after 5:00 PM on Friday and then e expect to have camp broken down by 10:00 AM on Sunday and be completely out of the site by 11:00 AM


The current weather reports indicate that Friday we are expecting plenty of clouds with occasional showers; Saturday is partly to mostly cloudy; and Sunday is cloudy with periods of rain.  So we are looking at a cool wet weekend but no signs of Thunderstorms.  We will continue to watch the weather throughout the night into the morning to see if there are any thunderstorm warnings, but at this time we are a full go; therefore dress accordingly, rain gear is a must as are good shoes.  If you are really concerned feel free to bring a life raft.

In all honesty it will be bit of rain as we set up, but then as we tear down.  Temps will drop to about 45-48 degrees overnight, so warm betting is a must.

What To Bring

Bring good dry shoes, extra socks, extra clothing and rain gear.





Fire House Visit (4/25/16)

Hello Parents: Hope you all had a great week/weekend. Tomorrow (4/25/16) the TIGERS, WOLVES & BEARS are going to visit the Fire House in Holmesburg. We’ll be meeting AT the Fire House, on Frankford a few doors down from the library. We ask that the boys be IN uniform. Thanks! We’ll see you all there. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. ?

Cyber Chip

All Dens:

If you have not already completed your cyber chip please visit the site below. Instructions go by grade and are listed in the links on this page. Please complete and bring in your paper on Monday, April 25th.

District Pinewood Derby

This weekend is the District Pinewood Derby. It is being held at Our Lady of Calvary Church, located at

11024 Knights Road Philadelphia, PA  19154.

Registration & Weigh-in: 8:30am to 9:30am             Races to start at 10:00am


Who can attend the Districts Pinewood Derby?     Anyone connected with your pack may attend (Racers, Parents, Leaders, Den Chiefs, guest, etc.)

 Good Luck Racers and our Best in Show !!


District Pinewood Flyer



2016 Fort Washington Camping Trip

Cub Scout Pack 155 Tent CampingOur Fort Washington camping trip is rapidly approaching and it is time to start getting a headcount to ensure we have ample supplies for the event.  Specifics about the location, directions, and such can be found on the calendar event linked above.

The camping trip is from Friday April 29th through Sunday May 1st at Fort Washington State Park.  We will be camping at Site B and the cost of the camping trip is $20 per person which includes all meals for the weekend: Friday Night Cracker Barrel; Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Campfire Snacks; and Sunday Breakfast.

We will start collecting headcounts and payments on Monday April 4th. Final headcount and payments will be due on Monday April 18th.

It is strongly recommended that each family bring a case of water as the site only has latrines and water taps. There is no running water.

Outdoor Essentials for Cub Scouts

  • Personal first aid kit
  • Filled water bottle
  • Flashlight with spare bulb and batteries
  • Whistle
  • Rain Gear
  • Sunscreen
  • Trail Food
  • Map & Compass

With permission and appropriate training:

  • Pocketknife (Whittling Chip required for scout activities)
  • Fire starting Materials (Fire’m Chit required for scout activities)

** If you or your scout require any medications please be sure to bring them and store them in a zip lock bag **

What you have above, is the basics necessary for taking care of yourself outdoors. It is vital to always have the above with your regardless of the activity type you are participating in.

Now for our camping trip the following items, in addition to the items above, are necessary for this weekend to be a successful and safe weekend.

  • Backpack for your gear
  • Class A Uniform/Class B Uniform
  • Scout Uniform hat or billed hat (ball cap)
  • A knit cap is great to sleep in if you get cold easily
  • Clothes to sleep in (pajamas or sweats)
  • Sweatshirt and/or Jacket
  • Hiking boots (it is recommended that you scotchguard them)
  • Rain Gear (jacket and pants preferred over poncho)
  • Extra shoes, socks & underwear.
  • Extra set of clothes
  • Tent, poles, and stakes
  • Waterproof ground cloth (tarp or plastic sheet)
  • Sleeping bag +20 degree recommended (if it has cartoons or super-heroes on it it is NOT a sleeping bag)
  • Sleeping Pad
  • Pillow
  • Extra blanket (optional but could be necessary).
  • Insect Repellent
  • Sunscreen
  • Cup or Mug and Mess Kit
  • Toilet paper (remove tube, crush and put in zip lock bag) this is a must have !!!
  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste
  • Soap, washcloth, towel
  • Cub Scout Handbook (in plastic bag)
  • Good Attitude!


  • Camp/Lawn chairs
  • Lantern
  • cooler/ice chest

Please note, that even though that this camping trip is at the end of April, it can still get quite cold at night. Be prepared!