Pancake Brunch

Pancake BreakfastAttention all Scouts and Parents,

Sunday marks the date of the Pancake Brunch! The brunch is going to be held at Saints United Lutheran Church between 11:30am-1:30pm. The cost is $5 per person which includes an order of sausage and all-you-can-eat pancakes. Toppings and extra sausage are available for a small fee.  Additionally, we will have a bake sale table for all to enjoy. Invite friends and families to enjoy a nice brunch.

This event is a fundraiser for the scouting units chartered by Saints United Lutheran Church. With all units involved, we will split the proceeds between the units.

If you or your scout would be willing to help out during the event please email Tom and Karen, who will forward the information to me, at the following email address: advisors.

In the email, please include your scout’s name, whether or not they would like to assist in the event, and whether or not you could bring in a baked good.  We ask all staff to arrive around 10:00 so we have time to prepare. If your scout does not wish to work the event, you may still come out and enjoy the breakfast.

Let’s make this a successful event for all involved and for all who come out! Please email me with any questions comments or concerns.



Wolf Update 12/7/2015

Wolf Elective Adventure: Germs Alive!Last night the wolves started to wrap up the requirements for the Germs Alive adventure, completing the ‘in-den’ portion of requirements 4, 5, & 6.  There are family activities, activities to be done at home, in order to complete these requirements.

For requirement four the scouts played with an edible dough as an example of mucus and to show how mucus in our nose filters things we breath in. For requirement 5, the scouts took home a piece of damp bread in a baggie that they will track during the week as it grows mold. The results will be discussed next week. Lastly for requirement 6 the scouts were given charts to track their chores for the week.

In addition to the above the Wolves completed Howling at the Moon requirement 2: Create an original skit and started Council Fire requirement 2: With your Den make a duty chart to be performed for 1 month.


  • Track the bread and watch mold grow; tracking sheets were provided for the scouts to use.
  • Finish filling in the chore charts with your family and return signed for a gold star.


Wolf Den: Please wear old clothes

Cub Scout Pack 155 Wolf Rank BadgeTonight we will be working on a really fun and exciting project that can and will get a bit messy. Please be sure to *NOT* wear your scout uniform.  Come in clothes designed for messy fun — Come prepared!

2016 Dues Deadline

DuesJust a quick reminder for those who have not yet paid their 2016 dues that the deadline to have your dues paid in full has arrived. Your 2016 Dues of $120 need to be paid in full by Monday December 7th and will cover the entire year from January 1st  through December 31st. Please note that the $120 due, for new scouts, does not include the $30 which was required to cover the remainder of the 2015 year.

We will be working on the charter renewal paperwork and getting it signed off on by the church to be turned in by our December 15th deadline. Those who have not paid will need to re-register which means a new application will need to be submitted along with appropriate registration fees.

Your assistance in helping us get all of our paperwork completed and turned in on time is greatly appreciated.   If you have any problems, please be sure to reach out to us by tomorrow night to discuss.

2015 Scouting for Food Summary

Scouting For Food PatchI want to thank everyone who came out to help us with this year’s Scouting for Food drive; all of the scouts, parents, sibling, former scouts and their families, friends of the pack, the leaders, and Crew 1776.  While Scouting for Food may seem like more work than fun, the program goes a long way to to helping families who worry about where their next meal will come from.

This year, Pack 155 collected 1,761 food items weighing in a 1,746 lbs. To put this in another perspective we collected almost a “ton of food”, all of which was donated to the food bank at St. John’s Lutheran Church who works closely with Saints United Lutheran Church (our Chartered Organization) to provide meals to families in need from 9 different zip codes.

We had a total of 27 scouts, 10 siblings, 20 adults and 10 leaders participate in this service project with us. Over the two weekends combined, Pack 155 completed 252 service hours.

Scouting for FoodNot only should the scouts be commended for their tremendous efforts but a hearty thank you goes out to all of the parents, siblings and others who helped to make this annual food drive a success. Some walked with a group of kids, others followed behind with a vehicle to collect food items, while others helped unload, count and sort the food.  All of the cub scouts had a great time while performing a good turn and they most certainly did their best.

Once again, thank you to everyone involved.

Note: All Cub Scouts will have their service hours added to Scoutbook.

Pack Meeting Tomorrow Night

Happy Cub ScoutJust a reminder that we will be having a Pack meeting tomorrow night and all scouts should be in uniform, if they have it.

Scouts should be full of energy and cub scout spirit.

Please note that the pack meetings typically last 1.5 hours.  To help keep it short please be on time – we will be beginning with the Bobcat Ceremony for new scouts.

We would like to use a few of the returning 2nd year Webelos Scouts in the Bobcat ceremony; if parents of returning 2nd year Webelos could plan on being at the gym by 6:30 it would help make sure they have time to understand what they need to do.

2015 Scouting for Food (Collection)

Scouting for Food

We will meet at 10:00 AM tomorrow morning for the second part of our Scouting for Food initiative.  This is one of the largest food drives in the nation and helps feed many people.  This is also the most important day of this initiative and we can use all the help we can get from our scouts. Feel free to bring friends and family to assist.

We will meet in the gym to break into groups.  Each group will require someone with a truck to follow them in order to collect the bags of canned goods.  As the vehicles fill we will unload at the gym to count the items and load them onto the trailer.  Once we have canvassed our area, we will take all goods to the foodbank at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church which is just up the street.

Please make sure to dress warm, dress in layers as it will be cold. Also bring you hat and gloves. We will be outside a majority of the morning. Don’t forget a water bottle to stay hydrated !!

Wolf Update 11/16/2015

Wolf Adventure: Running With the PackLast night the wolves worked on the fitness requirements across two different adventures, ‘Running with the Pack‘ and ‘Paws of Skill‘. The purpose of these two adventures are to promote physical fitness and good health through games and other fun activities.  During these two adventures they learn the importance of teamwork and good sportsmanship as well as keeping themselves healthy & fit.

Some of the takeaways from these two requirements are how activities increase our fitness and make us feel better; observation, listening skills, and learning to follow directions; good sportsmanship is important;being fair and respectful in competition;teamwork; and choosing nutritious foods to help you live an active life.

The corresponding parts of the Scout Law for these two adventures are ‘A Scout is Friendly‘ and ‘A Scout is Helpful‘.

Requirements CoveredWolf Elective Adventure: Paws Of Skill

  • Running with the Pack: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (covered during a prior meeting)
  • Paws of Skill: 1, 2, and they started requirement 3

Remaining Requirements

  • Running with the Pack: 6
  • Paws of Skill: 3 (part two), 4, 5, 6, 7

Home Assignments

  • Practice jumping jacks and push ups to show improvement at the Dec 7th den meeting.
  • Read over the Running with the Pack Adventure in your Wolf Handbook (page 110).
  • Read over the Paws of Skill Adventure in your Wolf Handbook (page 282).

Reminder: Next Monday, November 23rd is our Pack meeting, all Wolves should wear their class A or field shirt, if they have them. Also we will not be meeting on Monday November 30th; we are off for our Thanksgiving recovery day.

2016 Discounted Dues Deadline

DuesWe have received several requests to extend the early bird discount by one week, and we are able to do so. So please accept this quick reminder that the deadlines to have your 2016 dues discounted is just around the corner.  Paying your 2016 dues in full by November 16th will qualify for an early bird discount taking $20 off your dues. If you cannot make it in time for the early bird discount, your 2016 Dues need to be paid in full by December 7th.

We need all dues by December 7th so that we can recharter on time. We need to have the charter paperwork ready for signatures by Dec 10th and turned in by Dec 14th-15th.  Anyone not paid by this date can be re-registered with a new application and associated fees.

If anyone has any personal issue please reach out to us to discuss.

To summarize:

  • Dues paid in full by or on November 16th, will receive a $20 discount.
  • After Nov 16th, the full amount is due by Monday, Dec 7th.

2015 Scouting for Food Round 1

Scouting for Food

This Saturday, Nov 14th, we will be meeting at the Gym at 10:00am to begin our annual Scouting for Food Drive.

Scouting For Food is one of nation’s largest food drives that Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venture Crew members participate in to support their local Food Pantries and Hunger Relief agencies. The Scouts of the Cradle of Liberty Council have continuously exceeded expectations and fully stocked dozens of our partner agencies with bags and bags of canned food.

Everyone will be divided into groups with multiple adults per group and we will go out and place bags on all doors within our given area.

The time accumulated this weekend and next will count as community service for the scouts and maximum participation may help us qualify for the Messengers of Peace award.