2015 Halloween Party Reminder


A friendly reminder that tonight 10/26 is our annual Halloween party. It is time for the whole family to get ghoulish and have some fun. This is a perfect time to put on your costume, hang out with new friends and play some fun games.  And thanks to the parents and families there will be some great snacks.The party is from 7:00p – 8:30pm. We can’t wait to see you all there.

If any adults would like to assist with getting set up please come early, we could use your help.  We are planning to be there by 6:00 to begin setting up.

Below is a copy of the sign up sheet for those that need a reminder or if you didn’t have a change to check the list and would like to bring something; the list is ordered by last name. If you would like to bring something not yet on the list please do so; we are still looking for fruit trays, veggie trays and more drinks, pretzels, chips, etc..

  • Gallagher: Cupcakes
  • Leone: Cookies or Candy
  • Walker: Juice Boxes
  • Laganella: ??
  • Gronski: Candy
  • Cruz: Candy
  • Murphy: Water Bottles
  • Sauerwald: Chips & Pretzels
  • Ramos-Jessie: Cupcakes
  • Resta: Paper Products
  • Brandes: Juice boxes/Snacks


Fall Fest 10/24/2015

This Saturday we will be going up to Camp Hart for the Fall fest activities. Registration has closed online but there is still a few spots open. If you are interested in going but did not have a chance to sign up please contact me at cubmaster@cubscoutpack1776.org before Thursday at 6pm. We will be at the hall Thursday night to accept payment for the event between 7p-8:30p.

Hope to see you all there.

2015 Fall Fest – Sign Ups Tonight

Fall Fest 2012Next Saturday, October 24, 2015 is Fall Fest up at Camp Hart.

These one-day events are for Cub Scouts and siblings that want to experience camp for a day. Scouts will go from station to station in a structured group and participate in activities like BB and Archery Shooting, Nature, Handicraft, fun games and Outdoor Skills.

  • BB Range
  • Archery
  • Slingshots
  • Apple Chucking
  • Pumpkin Carving
  • Relay Races
  • Cooking Demo
  • Nature
  • Handicraft
  • and much more!

Check-in starts at 8:15 AM Events run from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Those wishing to signup for the Fall Fest as a group will need to submit their final headcount and payment by Monday October 19th.  The cost is $20 for Scouts/Siblings and $5 for Adults.

Remember New Scouts will need to turn in their application, health form, and dues so we can ensure they are registered.


2015 Philadelphia Encampment Wrap Up

2015 Philadelphia Encampment PatchIt was a great weekend at the Philadelphia Encampment.  Thank you to everyone who came out and we hope you all had a great time on Saturday.  There were many really fun things to do such as Archery, BBs, Knot Tying, Pioneering, Cooking, STEM as well as several other non specific areas that were not only exciting but may have touched on other requirements if you visited those areas. (Please see important note below, about requirements).

This year’s encampment had a Civil War camp set up, a Philadelphia Scouting history tent that showed the history of Philadelphia Council, Treasure Island, and the Order of the Arrow.  We had the emergency helicopter from St. Christopher’s land on the field for the scouts to see, The fire department came out with an engine for the scouts to check out, the police department brought in a swat vehicle, highway patrol, mounted police and bicycle police.  The 24th district was even so kind to offer a special gun safety course which we also used to cover range safety and range rules before the scouts were allowed to use the BB rifles. Cub Scout visitors also got to spectate various Troop/Crew competitions such as the pie eating contest, bike relay, and more.

Finally, the scouts had a chance to see how the things they do in Cub Scouts will be built upon in the Boy Scouts. For example, after knot tying they were able to go to Pioneering and get a taste using those knots along with lashings to build some really amazing structures and got to traverse the monkey bridge, ride the the ferris wheel, and make their way through an obstacle course; all of which were built right there, on site, the night before.

As a bonus, the cubs who spent the weekend even earned a “frost point”, in Scoutbook, an unofficial count of nights spent tent camping at or below freezing point of 32°F.

Once again, we hope everyone enjoyed the day and had a great time.  As you made your way around the field you should have seen many familiar faces. First and foremost you should have seen Mrs. Karen, our Assistant Cubmaster and one of our Wolf Den Leaders who kept the Cub Scout Program running smoothly and watched over the BB range — at the cooking station we had Mr. Luis, one of our committee members, and Mrs. Gladys, one of our Wolf Den leaders — at the Knot Tying station we had Mr. Mike (not Mr. Mikey) one of our Assistant Webelos Leaders, and Mrs. Anna, one of our Assistant Den Leaders — at the rock climbing wall we had Mr. Tom, our Cubmaster, Ms. Avery, our Pack Assistant, and Venturing Crew 1776.

Requirement Notes:

Each cub scout received a lanyard with a badge holder containing a card with their program schedule. Please put your scout’s name on the card and have them bring it to scouts with them so that we may give them credit for what they covered. If there were any stations visited that were not part of his specific program please let us know what station (you can simply describe the station and what was there) and we will then correlate it back to any requirements it may cover.

Webelos Update 10/12/2015

Webelos Adventure: First Responder

Last night, both the Webelos 1 and Webelos 2 dens began working on the First Responder Adventure.  This is a Webelos 1 Required Adventure and an Elective for Webelos 2 Scouts.

The Adventure is designed to provide Webelos Scouts wiht an introduction to the skills and responsibilities of a first-responder. Activities will cover essential personal safety and first-aid skills.

Some of the takeaways for this adventure are:

  • Essential first-aid skills
  • Essential personal safety skills
  • Understanding of the role of the first responder in the local community
  • A Scout is brave, courteous

The adventure requirements are listed in page 58 of the Webelos handbook and all requirements were touched on. We even had one of our scout parents who is a first responder come in and pay the boys a visit. With a red cross instructor coming out in February to give the scouts an opportunity to become certified in First Aid, CPR, and AED, we intentionally chose not to go too deep into this Adventure.





Weekly Recap 10/5/15

Last night’s meeting touched on first aid and germs. This is a topic which will be covered several times throughout the year in a number of ways. It will be discussed when we go over hiking requirements, camping requirement, and more.  Each scout made a personal first aid kit (baggie style) where they went over the basic contents and their use. This showed the scouts that a little extra preparedness can help out and not be cumbersome.  This was followed up with a discussion and a game that demonstrates how easily germs spread and how a single persons germs can make their way around the room and infect most, if not all, people in it.  The evening was ended with a Germ Song and a repeat after me campfire song

Not each rank has requirements to cover this but it is important information and useful for scouts of all ages. The more they hear it and practice it the better they will get.

Requirements covered last night were as follows:

  • Wolves
    • Call of the Wild 5c,
    • Germs Alive!: 2
  • Webelos 1 & Webelos 2
    • First Responder: 5a
    • Webelos Walkabout: 2

Monday 09/28/15 Recap

As a pack we covered the concepts of game design and game play.  While this is a specific objective of one of the Webelos Elective the other dens were naturally intrigued and wished to join in on the game making fun.

The topics covered were elements of game design, five online safety rules while using the Internet, creating a game and teaching others how to play the game.  They then got together and played an old game called SPUD with some slight variations.

Requirements completed were as follows:

  • Tigers
    • Games Tigers Play: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 3
    • Tiger Tales:5
    • Tiger-iffic: 2, 5
  • Wolves
    • Running with the Pack: 4
    • Paws of Skill: 4
  • Bears
    • Grin and Bear It: 1
  • Webelos 1
    • Game Design: 1, 2, 3, 4 (complete)
  • Webelos 2
    • Game Design: 1, 2, 3, 4 (complete)

Reminder: Parent Meeting tonight 9/21/2015

ReminderJust a little reminder that there is a parent meeting tonight for parents of returning scouts. New parents who have joined us so far are welcome to attend but we will have a more in depth meeting for new parents next week.

We has that at least 1 parent/guardian attend tonight’s meeting. The meeting shouldn’t be long leaving plenty of time for any questions or concerns.  We will be handing out the year’s calendar at tonight’s meeting.

We look forward to seeing everyone

Welcome to the 2015-2016 Scouting Year

Welcome back to a new scouting season.  In addition to welcoming back our returning scouts we would also like to wish the best to our scouts who crossed over into the Boy Scouts at the end of the previous season.  Your pack wishes you the best of luck and hopes you enjoy your learning experience in the Boy Scouts.

We hope everyone had a great summer and enjoyed the summer activities that we had planned for you.  We would love to get feedback from those who attended on what we did this past summer.  There will be a recap of what we did coming soon.

New Season

RecruiterAs we get back into the swing of things with our weekly meetings starting back up on Monday, September 14th.  This is the time of the year for returning scouts to bring in any friends or family interested in scouting.  If they join and pay their dues the referring scout earns their recruiter badge.

During this time we will have a lot of new scouts showing up with an interest in scouting. We expect that our seasoned scouts will exhibit the core values of scouting and help make the new scouts feel welcome. They should take the time to introduce themselves, introduce new boys to other pack members & leaders, as well as assist them with earning the Bobcat rank.

Parent Meetings

RememberWe will be holding monthly parent meetings on the last Monday of every month.  Our goal is to keep these meetings around 15-20 minutes. When there is a Pack meeting that Monday, the parent meeting will be part of the pack meeting. The format will be to inform you of what is coming up; any issues, concerns or changes going on; what your scouts are working on, and any assistance we may need.  We ask that you be sure at least one parent or family member attends each meeting.

September is the exception to the rule. Our parent meeting for all returning parents or those who join us before the open house will be Monday September 21st. During this meeting we will be handing out and going over the calendar for the 2015-2016 year. We look forward to seeing you all. New scout parents who come to the open house will have a separate meeting during the open house on Monday September 28th.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday the 14th and hearing what other exciting things you did over the Summer.

Welcome Back!

Swim Day at Winchester Swim Club

Aquanaut Activity BadgeNext Friday, August 28th, is our rain date for the swim club. There will be no swim team so the pool will not open until 11. We will start our swimming requirements at 11 AM. Everyone is invited to stay until 5 PM to swim, play wiffle ball, basketball, soccer, or anything else they want. Cost for scouts is $15 and that will include lunch and entrance to the pool. Lunch is a choice of hotdog, chicken fingers, popcorn chicken, or grilled cheese with a soda and a side of fries. Parents and siblings are also invited at the same price. All siblings and Tiger scouts must have a parent present. Children under 12 will also get the kids meal. We will order pizza for the older kids and parents. Please text Brian Gallen at 267-259-2238 if you plan on coming. You do not need to notify him in advance. You can tell the front desk person that you are here with the cub scouts and they will page Brian. The address is 8814 Ashton rd.