2015 Summer Camps Update

2015 Cub Scout Cowboy HatNext week (May 4th) there will be a parent meeting on both summer day camp and resident camp. We will be going over the dates and forms that will be needed.

Resident Camp:

Tim O’Keefe will be attending Cub Resident Camp at Camp Hart the week of  July 26th – August 1st. There are openings still available for both half week ( July 26th-29th or July 29th – August 1st) and full week sessions. There are still openings for prior weeks at resident camp. Information will be made available at the parent meeting. The early bird rate is still available till May 15th.

More Information and Registration Links can be found here.

Torresdale Day Camp:

Camp is from July 6th – 10th. Information and forms will be available at the parent meeting. The early bird rate is still available till May 15th.

More Information and Registration Links can be found here.

Lorimer Park:

Camp is from July 20th – July 24th. Information and forms will be available at the parent meeting. The early bird rate is still available till May 15th.

More Information and Registration Links can be found here.

2015 Spring Hike – This Saturday

Akela HikingAs we approach Summer, it is time to start getting yourself in hiking mode.  What better way to do that than with a nice hike through the park? Let’s start with some details about the hike itself.  We will be hiking approximately 4 miles in Pennypack Park.  The hike will begin and end at the parking lot off of Rhawn Street at Holmehurst Ave.  There will be several stops along the hike to take a drink and have a handful of trail food.  With stops the hike should take approximately 2.5-3 hours..

The path we will be taking is a local path that will start with approximately 2.5 miles of unpaved trail followed by 1.2 miles of paved trail ending with about a quarter mile unpaved again. This is a very flat trail and there isn’t much in the way of inclines, declines nor actual hiking obstacles such as rocky terrain etc…

As with any other scouting event, preparation is key. While it is not a hot summer day, maintaining hydration, adequate energy levels and protecting your skin are the three most important things to keep in mind. EVERY Person, youth & adult, will be required to carry a filled water bottle with them as well has have some trail food with them.

It is also important to remember that you will need to carry whatever you bring with you for the entire hike, so try not to overdo it.  Each boy should be able to carry his own gear and it is recommended that he bring a backpack to carry his stuff.

So what do you need to bring along?  Let’s get right down to it…Baloo Hiking

  • Water
  • Scout Cap
  • Class A or Class B uniform
  • Long Pants
  • Water
  • Good Walking/Hiking shoes
  • Spare Socks
  • Water Bottle filled with WATER ONLY
  • Trail Food (No Sugary Snacks)
  • Bagged Lunch (nothing heavy, may use sports drink otherwise no sugary drinks)
  • Water
  • Sunscreen
  • Bug Spray
  • Pocket First Aid Kit
  • Whistle (in case they fall off and get lost)
  • Water
  • Oh and don’t forget some water.

Some additional information that you may find useful

  • Hiking Safety
    • Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return.
    • Never hike alone or at night; use the buddy system.
    • Dress properly for the weather and environment.
    • Wear sun and insect protection
    • Take an extra pair of socks in case you need to change.
    • Obey traffic signs and signals.
    • Avoid hiking along roadways.
    • Stay on the trail.
    • Be alert to your surroundings.
    • Don’t litter as you hike.
    • Be alert to dangerous animals, insects, and plants. Never touch a wild animal.
    • Take 1 pint of water for each hour you will be hiking. Never drink untreated water.

You can find examples of hiking food here:  http://www.hikingdude.com/hiking-food.php
With a trail mix recipe here: http://www.hikingdude.com/trail-mix-recipe.php
Information on Hiking gear can be found here: http://www.hikingdude.com/hiking-gear.php


Rocket Launch

imageHouston has given us clearance for take off! I will see everyone at Lincoln’s field at 6PM. Let’s hope nobody is playing baseball there!

Webelos Rocket Launch

imageHello Webelos parents! I am planning on launching the model rockets this Monday, 6PM, at Lincoln field. (Right across the street from our church). If the weather is bad or the winds are too strong, the launch will be canceled until next Monday, April 6th. All scouts are invited to come over and watch. Please bring a folding chair.

Food & Clothing Drive Results

Thank you everyone! After sorting, boxing and weighing the donations, I can honestly say I think we had great success with this food and clothing drive considering the short notice. Here are our total amounts and approximate weights. The apartment fire victims no longer needed clothes (other than socks and undergarments) so all clothing will be going to Purple Heart.

The totals for the fire victims is… food: 65 items weighing 54 pounds, kitchen/housewares: 3 sets of glasses and 7 other items weighing 15 pounds, toiletries: 43 items weighing 31 pounds, crafts: 7 items weighing 14 pounds, toys/instruments: 97 items weighing 62 pounds, books/DVDs/video games: 127 items weighing 52 pounds, towels/bedding: 21 items weighing 25 pounds, shoes: 43 pairs weighing 35 pounds, belts/hats/scarves/socks/undergarments: 118 items/pairs weighing 16 pounds. That’s a grand total of 304 pounds! We are delivering items to the apartment management company (M&M Management) tonight.

The clothing totals are as follows…men: 170 total items weighing 173 pounds, women: 172 items weighing 111 pounds, boys: 177 items weighing 75 pounds, girls: 18 items weighing 18 pounds, infants/toddlers: 63 items weighing 25 pounds and coats: 19 items weighing 23 pounds. That’s a grand total of 425 pounds of clothing!

Thank you everyone from Cub Scout Pack 155, Venturing Crew 1776, Boy Scout Troop 155 and Saints United Lutheran Church who donated their old belongings and their time to those in need.

Fire House Visit

Tiger, Wolf and Bear Parents don’t forget we have an additional meeting next week. We’ll meet Monday as usual, but we will also be meeting on Tues March 31, at 7pm at the FIRE HOUSE. It’s located next to Holmesburg branch library on Frankford Ave (19136). Please have your cubs in uniform.

Pancake Breakfast & Bake Sale Success

Pancake BreakfastI want to extend a hearty thank you to all who attended our first Scout Sunday Pancake Brunch. We had larger than expected turn out for our first run at this and the event was a huge success.

The members of our chartering organization, Saints United Lutheran Church, were nothing but complimentary.  They loved seeing the scouts working tirelessly to ensure everyone had their fill and enjoyed interacting with the leaders to learn about the programs we run.

With the church feeling it was a huge success they not only asked us to do this every year but they suggested we also consider running a spaghetti dinner and summer BBQ; both of which can be used as fundraisers to benefit our scouts.

Once again I’d like to extend a hearty thank you to the following for making this a huge success.

  • Cub Scouts: Thank you to those who attended the Scout Sunday service and to those who volunteered to work the brunch afterwords. Your attendance at the service made a great showing to our chartered organization and allowed them to showcase us to other members of the congregation. While a few of our cub scouts had specialty jobs, most worked as assistant servers and helped with cleanup. Great job to all of you!!!
  • Cub Scout Parents: The parents not only brought their scouts to attend the service but many of them contributed to the bake sale, attended the brunch, and spread the word to families and friends making this event a success.
  • Cub Scout Leaders: All leaders in attendance played a crucial role in the success of this event. Each one worked the entire time and didn’t eat until the end with the scout workers. From dealing with finances, to assisting with cooking, managing the floor, and managing the kitchen — you were busy and you were everywhere. Thank you Anna Andrijischyn, Chris Campagna, Karen Wonsor, Maureen Sytsma, Regina Giuffre, Shawna Tracey, and Tom Sytsma.
  • Saints United Lutheran Church: As our chartered organization a heartfelt thank you goes out to you for not only hosting our scouting units giving us a place to meet but for all of the support you continue to provide us.  We’d also like to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to run this event and for participating in it as well. A special thank you goes out to Lynette Comitalo, the president of the church board, for working with us to coordinate the event.
  • Karen Wonsor: Karen was the driving force behind this event. She not only managed the kitchen like a pro, but she pulled together the resources of three scouting units and managed all of the volunteers from them to run this huge success.

2015 Pinewood Derby Champions

Let's Get Down and DerbyI would like to thank everyone who came out today for our 2015 Pinewood Derby. It was a huge success and it appeared that all of the boys had a great time. I would like to thank our judges and volunteers who helped run the derby, especially to the members of Venturing Crew 1776 who helped run the event. It was you who made the event the success that it was. Thank You!

The first & second place race winners and the first place best in show will go to the district final on Saturday April 25th. We wish you the best of luck and hope you represent the pack like true scouts. Now I would like to extend a hearty congratulations to this year’s pinewood derby winners.

Derby Race:

  1. Aedhan Sytsma #8
  2. James Leo #20
  3. Jared Wonsor #3

Best in Show:  

  1. Shane McKenna #21
  2. Stephen Andrijischyn #18

Once again congratulations to all of our winners.

Note: Please let us know if you have pictures and videos we can share.  Send to cubmaster (at) cubscoutpack155 (dot) org and we will get them posted for you.

Let’s help the NE fire victims

Hello Pack 155 families. As I’m sure most of you know by now, there was a devastating fire here in the Northeast. 53 families lost all their belongings. We are organizing a food/toiletry/clothing drive. We will be collecting non-perishable food items, socks, undergarments and shoes for men, women and children. We will also be collecting books (adult and children’s), small toys, they need toiletries(soap/shampoo/conditioner/etc). They do need some clothes as of now, mostly for men and women, they have received a lot of children’s clothes. If you have anything else you’d like to donate, please let me know and I’ll see if it’s needed. The children are mostly younger 4-7 and teenagers. Start your spring cleaning. Remember they have lost everything, so any little bit will help, thanks in advance! There will be a trailer to load any donations onto at Monday’s meeting (3/23/15).


**Whatever is donated that is not needed, we will be donating to Purple Heart and/or Big Brothers Big Sisters.


Any questions please email me Stracey@cubscoutpack1776.org

Tigers (3/16/15)

Hello Tiger Cub Parents.  Tomorrow evening (3/16/15) we will be making….a mess probably.  🙂 We’ll be making Irish potatoes.  The batter will be pre-made. a big THANK YOU to Jack’s mom Karen for bringing the ingredients! NO uniforms, PLAY CLOTHES please. See you all tomorrow.