2014 Scouting for Food Summary

Scouting For FoodI want to thank all of the scouts, leaders, parents and siblings for their support of this annual program.  While it can be tiresome, boring and seem trivial on the surface this program goes a long way to to helping families who worry about where their next meal will come from.

This year, Pack 155 collected 1,853 food items weighing in a 1,990 lbs. To put this in another perspective we collected a “ton of food”, all of which was donated to the food bank at St. John’s Lutheran Church who works closely with Saints United Lutheran Church (our Chartered Organization) to provide meals to those who can’t afford them in 9 different zip codes.

Scouting For FoodWe had a total of 32 scouts, 6 siblings, 34 adults, and 2 member of Venturing Crew 1776 participate in this service project with us. Over the two weekends combined, Pack 155 completed 277 service hours.

Not only should the scouts be commended for their tremendous efforts but a hearty thank you goes out to all of the parents, siblings and others who helped to make this annual food drive a success. Some walked with a group of kids, others followed behind with a vehicle to collect food items, while others helped unload, count and sort the food.  All of the cub scouts had a great time while performing a good turn and they most certainly did their best.

Thank You to everyone involved.

Scouting for Food – Food Collection

PLEASE NOTE: WE WILL NOT MEET AT THE GYM THIS YEAR – We will be meeting across the street in the Lincoln High School Parking Lot !!!

We will meet at 10:00 AM, break into groups, and then go collect the bags of canned goods.  Once we are finished, we will drop off all food at Catholic Social Services and St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Please make sure to dress warm, dress in layers as it will be cold. Also bring you hat and gloves. We will be outside a majority of the morning. Don’t forget a water bottle to stay hydrated !!

Again, we are meeting across the street from the Church in the Lincoln High School parking lot.

Scouting for Food Sleepover

Tomorrow is our SFF sleepover and we need a final headcount. If you have not signed up and paid already we need an email by midnight tonight confirming you are attending. Payment can be made tomorrow at bag collection but we need confirmation today, Friday Nov. 14Th. 
We will only being taking payment at the door for those who have confirmed participation.
You can email us at  kwonsor@cubscoutpack1776.org  or reply to the email sent out to all registered families.

Webelos Meeting 11-10-14

Webelos Badge

At tonight’s meeting, all the scouts rotated through 3 stations. First, the boys made bird feeders out of pine cones, bird seed, and shortening. This completes 1 of the 4 projects not made from wood for the Craftsman Activity. Next, the boys made posters about the fun they had over the summer during scout activities. These posters will be on display at the pack meeting. Finally, the boys played softball in the gym with Wiffle balls. All scouts earned the softball belt loop and it qualifies as one of the team sports required for the Sportsman activity.
Next week, the first year Webelos will be going over the umpire signals in baseball and what it means to be a good sport for the Sportsman activity. Scouts who participated in summer camps or the day at the swim club will complete the activity. The other scouts may need to earn a few more sports belt loops to complete the Activity.

The Pioneers will start the Engineering section of the STEM awards.

Attention ALL Parents…

Good Evening Parents! We hope you all had a great week/weekend. For tomorrow’s meeting ALL Cub Scouts should wear regular play clothes, NOT their Scout uniform. We’ll be working on a few things: softball belt loops, pine cone bird feeders, leaf rubbings and some of the returning Scouts will be working on a project with Ms. Karen. So come prepared to have fun !!

2014 Scouting for Food Round 1

Scouting for Food

All the

Tomorrow, Saturday Nov 8th (tomorrow), we will be meeting at the Gym at 10:00am to begin our annual Scouting for Food Drive.

Scouting For Food is one of nation’s largest food drives that Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venture Crew members participate in to support their local Food Pantries and Hunger Relief agencies. The Scouts of the Cradle of Liberty Council have continuously exceeded expectations and fully stocked dozens of our partner agencies with bags and bags of canned food.

Everyone will be divide into groups with multiple adults per group and we will go out and place bags on all doors within our given area.


Webelos Meeting November 3rd

Webelos Badge
On November 3rd, our first year Webelos took their final test of all the exercises for the Athlete Activity and the Physical Fitness Belt loop. Whoever handed in their charts earned the activity. I heard a lot of boys say they lost their charts over the past month. I posted that form on an earlier post.

The Pioneers finished the Math portion of the Webelos STEM awards. I need 2 scouts to finish theirs up and hand it in.

Next week, all Webelos who participated in any of our summer activities, will help Miss Karen make posters for the pack meeting. The 3 boys who are new to scouting will go with Mister Jason and review the Bobcat requirements. If there is time, we will play softball in the gym with big Wiffle balls.

Please remember that we have our first pack meeting on November 24th. Scouts will receive all the medals they earned over the summer up until November 1st. We will also have our Bobcat initiation ceremony for all new scouts.

Athlete and Fitness Forms

Webelos BadgeSome of our new Webelos have managed to lose their homework. Here are copies of the forms if the boys need a new one.
webelos fitness menu
webelos 1 exercise

Discounted Dues Deadlines

DuesJust a quick reminder that the deadlines to have your 2015 dues discounted is rapidly approaching.  Your 2015 Dues need to be paid in full by December 8th and will cover the entire year from January 1st  through December 31st.

We will be working on the Charter renewal paperwork the week of the 8th and submitting it to Council on December 15th. Anyone not paid will need to submit a new application and associated fees to be added to the charter.

  • If your 2015 dues are paid in full by or on November 3rd you will receive $20 off.
  • If your 2015 dues are paid in full after Nov 3rd, but before or on Nov 17th, you will receive $10 off.
  • After Nov 17th, the full amount is due by Monday, Dec 8th.

Webelos Meeting November 3rd

Webelos Badge
On Monday night, all first year Webelos will be taking their final test on all exercises for the Physical Fitness Belt Loop and the Athlete Activity. Scouts need to bring in their exercise chart that they have been working on the past 4 weeks.
Fitness Activity: All first year Webelos who have not turned in their menu sheet yet need to turn it in. This will complete the Fitness activity.

Second year Webelos need to bring in their 1-2-3 GO sheets with their secret codes.