Webelos At Fort Mifflin – Bring Your Books

Webelos BadgeIf you are in one of the Webelos Dens and you bring your book with you to Fort Mifflin, the Scoutmaster from Troop 500 will sign off on your camping with a Boy Scout Troop requirement as well as other related requirements.

So be sure to bring your books.  If you do not yet have a book you can either pick one up at the Scout Store downtown or DiGuilios on Frankford Ave.

Fort Mifflin Update

We hope that everyone is excited to be sleeping over at historic Fort Mifflin this weekend.  We are!  Before I go on to give you the final details, I have had a several people asking if there was anything they should bring or would it be ok to bring a snack. The answer is yes, you are free to bring snacks if you would like.  While we don’t require you to bring any extras, if you wish to contribute and bring something here are some suggestions;

  • Bottled Water:  You can never have too much and whatever extra you have you can take back home.
  • Firewood:  Scouts love to burn firewood. Bring as much as you want/can.  The fort is always accepting donations of firewood so nothing you bring will go to waste.
  • Snacks: *NO PEANUTS – WE HAVE PEANUT ALLERGIES IN THE PACK*  The boys could eat snacks all day, every day.  Be sure that what you choose to bring is covered and protected from the elements, temperature etc…  Someone mentioned soft pretzels. This is fine but please be sure you let people know right away because they may not make it through the night without getting stale etc…

Now on to the details:

Arrival Time:

Feel free to arrive around 5:00.  Upon arrival you will need to set up your tent as soon as possible.  Older boys will be expected to help out with the younger boys as well as assist with preparing the campfire and dinner.  We will have dinner and as the sun sets those going on the ghost tour will shortly begin their tour. There will not be a lot of time as many people have work and so forth so be sure to help each other out.


We are expecting a nice clear Friday night and Saturday morning.  The overnight low is expected to be around 60 degrees but keep in mind we are at the river front. Being on the water means it can get a bit chilly.  However it should be a pleasant night.  Clouds are expected to start rolling in around 1:00 – 2:oo pm on Saturday with a chance of rain increasing until around 7pm when there is a call for some thunderstorms.  PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: While it looks as if we are in the clear weather wise, things can change at any moment… BE PREPARED!


For Friday dinner we are having hot dogs and beans.  We understand this is a late arrival time for many so if you get hungry please do not feel obligated to wait until we get set up and get dinner ready. You can grab/bring something else if you desire. For Saturday’s breakfast (around 7:00 am) we will be having hot & cold cereal, pancakes, sausage, milk, juice, pancakes, hot chocolate and coffee.


We will be tent camping.

What to Bring:

First we will start with what Fort Mifflin recommends…

  • Comfortable bedding, including pillow (an air mattress is a good idea.)
  • Drinking Water (we only have non-potable water.)
  • Your Favorite Snacks
  • Flash Light
  • Your own tent and/or cot (if you plan to sleep outside.)
  • Warm clothing in the cooler months and rain gear if it has rained in the last 24 hours, especially boots and extra socks.)

Now we are scouts so we believe in being prepared, right?  We compiled a list of items for last April’s camping trip that not only included items each boy should carry with them but also a more comprehensive list for camping and/or overnighters.  You can find that list at http://cubpack155.org/x/1o

Directions to Fort Mifflin:

From Downtown Philadelphia –
South on I-95, take Exit 15 Island Avenue/Enterprise Avenue. At end of exit ramp, you will be on Enterprise Avenue. At stop sign turn left onto Fort Mifflin Road. Follow road, through short tunnel, to the first left turn. After left hand turn, follow signs straight into the Fort. Free Parking is on the left.

From Delaware County –
North on I-95, take Exit 13 – Valley Forge/West 291. Bear right and follow sign for Island Avenue. At traffic light (Hilton Hotel on left corner), turn left onto Island Avenue. At stop sign turn left onto Enterprise Avenue. At stop sign, turn right onto Fort Mifflin Road. Follow road, through short tunnel, to the first left turn. After left hand turn, follow signs straight into the Fort. Free Parking is on the left.

Welcome To A New Scouting Season!

The title says it all!  Welcome back to a new scouting season.  In addition to welcoming back our returning scouts we would also like to wish the best to our scouts who crossed over into the Boy Scouts.  Your pack wishes you the best of luck and hopes you enjoy your learning experience in the Boy Scouts.

We hope everyone had a great summer and enjoyed the summer activities that we had planned for you.  We would love to get your feedback on our summer activity line up.  Below is a recap of our summer activities for those who may have missed some of them.

New Season

As we get back into the swing of things with our weekly meetings starting back up on Monday September 10th. For our returning scouts there will be no delay in extracurricular scouting activities as we start the season with our Fort Mifflin camping trip on Sept 21st. What a great way to start another fun filled season.

The beginning of the season is also the best time for your boys to bring in any friends or family interested in scouting. If anyone they bring joins and pays their dues for the year your son will earn his recruiter badge.

During this time we will have a lot of new scouts showing up with an interest in scouting. We expect that our seasoned scouts will exhibit the core values of scouting and help make the new scouts feel welcome. They should take the time to introduce themselves, introduce new boys to other pack members & leaders, as well as assist them with earning the Bobcat rank. This common courtesy also covers requirements for the various ranks; for example

  • Tigers: Elective 9, Help a new boy get to know other people.
  • Wolves: Elective 22e. Invite a boy to join Cub Scouting or help a new Cub scout through the Bobcat trail.
  • Bears: Achievement 24a, Help a by join Cub Scouting or help a new Cub scout through the Bobcat trail.

This year we will be working on having monthly Pack meetings, to be held the first Monday of every month except where noted otherwise due to a short month or a holiday.  The goal is award boys their accomplishments on a more regular and timely basis. It also serves as a great opportunity for the parents to see what their boys have accomplished throughout the course of the year as well as provide more opportunity for the boys to show off their talents and skills.

We look forward to seeing you all in a week or so.

Summer Recap

Summer Activities


We started off the summer with a district hosted ‘Cub Scout Bullseye Shootout’ in early June at Camp Hart where the boys got to engage in a variety of age appropriate shooting activities such as archery, archery games, bb shooting, slingshots, zyclones, water pistols and the obstacle course that had them nice and tired for the ride home. Towards the end of the month we took part in one of the Scout Nights at the Camden Riversharks which included the game, dinner, a fireworks display, a movie with snacks, camping in the outfield, breakfast and a baseball clinic run by the players.


July is the month of summer camps so we only had a night of bouncing and climbing at BounceU towards the end of the month.   We had 2 boys attend Summer Day camp and 1 attend Summer Resident Camp where they got incredible head starts towards their rank before the scouting season even started having earned several belt loops, pins, activity badges and completing a variety of requirements & electives.


In August we had a camping trip at the Renaissance Faire which for a mere $10 including a night of camping and a day at the Renaissance Faire, which itself is normally around $40 per person.  Then we closed out the Summer with a great hike in Wissahickon Park.


National Summertime Activity Award

National Summertime Activity Award Certificate

Pack 155 is proud to have earned the National Summertime Activity Pack Award by hosting at least 3 summertime activities, one each in the months of June, July, and August. We did double that by having two events in June & August while keeping only 1 in July due to summer camps that month.

In June we went to the CubScout Bulls-eye Shootout and to the Scout Night at The Camden Riversharks.  In July we went to BounceU.  In August we camped out at the Renaissance Faire and went Hiking in Wissahickon Park.

National Summertime Pack Award StreamerHere are some statistics on a pack level;

  • 65% of our boys participated in a Summer Scouting Activity of some sort.
  • 60% of our boys participated in Pack Summer Activities.
  • 55% attended 3 or more Pack Summer Activities.
  • On average, 57% of the pack was active through Summer
  • July was our most active month with 60% participation
  • Our most popular events were BounceU at 55% and the Shootout and Hike at 45%

National Summertime Den Participation RibbonRecognition doesn’t end there. 3 of our dens earned the National Summertime Den Participation Ribbon for having a 50% or better participation rate. The Tiger Den (now the Wolf Den), the Bear Den (now Webelos 1), and the Webelos 1 Den (now Weblos 2) earned this ribbon.

For those of us who like numbers;

  • The Bear den (now Webelos 1) was the most active den at 70% participation.
  • The most active den in a given month was the Bears at 78% in July.
  • The most active den at a given event was the Bears with 67% participation at both BounceU and the Hike.

The Scouts

Lastly and most importantly, we’d like to thank the boys and parents who participated with us. Ten of our boys earned the National Summertime Activity Pin for their rank by attending at least 1 event in each of the Summer months. There were 3 Tigers, 1 Wolf, 5 Bears and 1 Webelos earning their pins.  While they did not earn the pin we did have 3 other boys participate in Summer activities. One attended 3 pack activities; 2 in June and 1 in July. One attended 2 pack activities, both in August and a 3rd boy attended Summer Camp in July.

Tiger National Summertime Award Pin

Tiger National Summertime Award Pin

Wolf National Summertime Award Pin

Wolf National Summertime Award Pin

Bear National Summertime Award Pin

Bear National Summertime Award Pin

Webelos National Summertime Award Pin

Webelos National Summertime Award Pin



Fort Mifflin Camping Trip – LAST CALL

This is the last call for the Fort Mifflin Camping trip.  I need a final headcount and payment yesterday. Well yesterday may not work so lets aim for Tuesday. I have to turn the information and payment in to the fort next Friday.  So this really is the last call.

If I do not hear from you, ASAP, I am going to assume you are not going to go.

The cost of this camping trip is $35 per camper, however the Fort is offering ghost tours for an additional $5 per person.  The ghost tour is an optional add on and not required to camp at the fort.  Your $35 will includes the following;

What’s Included in the price of $35 per person):

  • Overnight Stay at Fort Mifflin
  • Personal guided tour of the fort in the company of a Revolutionary War soldier
  • Uniform and Weapons demonstrations
  • Access to the Nature Trails and riverfront High Battery Area
  • Allowance of individual and small group exploration throughout the Fort & surrounding areas.
  • Breakfast provided by the fort (hot & cold cereal, milk, juice, pancakes, sausage & hot beverages)
  • Dinner (provided by us)
  • Campfire Activities
  • Free Parking
  • Possible lowering and raising of the Fort’s garrison flag
  • An Artillery Demonstration (paid for by Pack 155 and guest units)
  • A Saturday hike through the nature trails.

Note: There are bathroom facilities inside the fort however it is important to know that the water at Fort Mifflin is not potable. So you will need to bring plenty of drinking water.

Full details for the camping trip can be found at:  http://cubpack155.org/x/1V

  • Tent/Cot
  • Comfortable bedding, including pillow.
  • Drinking Water (again the water at the fort is non-potable)
  • Snacks
  • Flash Light
  • Warm clothing in cooler months
  • Rain gear if it has rained in the past 24 hours, especially boots & extra socks.

However, as scouts we would bring more than that.  Here is a sample list of basics to bring camping: http://cubpack155.org/x/1o

Again, I can not stress the importance of getting your headcount and payment to me ASAP.  If you have any issues or concerns please contact me.  I can reached by email (cubmaster (at) cubscoutpack1776.org or via telephone (215/948/2269)


Riversharks Rain Date

Just a reminder that the raindate for the Riversharks is this Friday, August 24th

Camden Riversharks



Tim O’Keefe will be in front of the box office at 5:45 PM to give out tickets if you did not recieve them.  He will be wearing his Pack 155 Class B Tshirt.  Tim will be going into the game no later than 6:10 PM.  YOU MUST MEET HIM BEFORE THEN.  If anyone wishes to meet with him before 5:45 to get their tickets they can reach him on his cell phone 215_219_0059.

The Parade:

The parade is at 6:15 PM and will meet at the visitors dugout along the 3rd baseline.  The Cub Scouts who wish to participate in the parade should wear their Class A Shirts.  It is recommended that they wear their Class B shirt underneath to wear during the game.

Release Form:

Everyone is require to sign a release form.  One is attached to this post for you to print and fill out. Tim will have additional copies with him at the game.

Overnight Packet (click link to the left)




Hiking Success!

First I would like to thank all those who attended the hike. It was a tough call waiting until the last minute to decide if we were going to hike or not but God was rooting for us and the weather panned out nice.  We got off to a late start and covered three miles.  While it was about 2 miles less than planned we did hit some pretty rugged trails making those 3 miles easily feel like 5-6; some of those climbs definitely got the heart pumping making for a great little work out for all.

Naturally we took several hydration breaks, had a nice lunch 130′ feet up at Indian Lookout and explored nature learning about poison plants, the state flower and more.  we had a decent turn out of family members who joined us as well; parents, grandparents and siblings.

We’d like to thank everyone that came out.  Due to your participation in today’s hike the pack met all requirements for the National Summertime Activity Award acknowledging that our pack offered a quality year round program.  50% of our scouts earned the individual national summertime award by participating in one pack activity a month through June, July & August and a couple of our Dens also earned the honor by having a 50% participation rate, meaning at least half of the den attended at least 1 activity per month.

We are hiking today

Baloo HikingThe call for thunderstorms has passed and the sun is peeking out.  While we may get a sprinkle or two we can still hike.  Due to the last minute call we will be meeting up 30 minutes later; 9:30 instead of 9:00 — but again WE ARE HIKING!

Don’t forget to bring what you need.  See you soon!!!

Tomorrow’s Hike – Weather Warning

The safety of the boys is of utmost importance however there are conflicting weather reports as to when the storms will stop.  Therefore we will make the call tomorrow morning and send out notifications via the site, facebook, twitter and email informing you of our decision to either reschedule or proceed.


Fort Mifflin Camping Trip

We hope everyone is enjoying their summer as it comes to a close.  Rest assured that while summer comes to a close and its time to hit those books again, Scouting season ramps up and what better way to ramp up than a good camping trip for our returning scouts?

All of the specifics can be found over on he event page but this post is to remind you that we need to get your head counts and start collecting the money.  We are required to pay the fort in advance, so it is imperative that we get a headcount ASAP and get the money together.  We are hiking next weekend (August 18th) at Wissahickon Park.  Please turn in your headcounts and make payments that day.

A quick reminder, the cost is $35/per person, $40 if you plan on doing the ghost tour. The following is included in the cost.

  • Overnight Stay at Fort Mifflin
  • Personal guided tour of the fort in the company of a Revolutionary War soldier
  • Uniform and Weapons demonstrations
  • Access to the Nature Trails and riverfront High Battery Area
  • Allowance of individual and small group exploration throughout the Fort & surrounding areas.
  • Breakfast provided by the fort (hot & cold cereal, milk, juice, pancakes, sausage & hot beverages)
  • Dinner (provided by us)
  • Campfire Activities
  • Free Parking
  • Possible lowering and raising of the Fort’s garrison flag

Please contact me ASAP via email (cubmaster at cubscoutpack1776.org), phone or via the contact form on this page and let us know if you are going and how many you are bringing with you.


Event Page: http://cubpack155.org/x/1V

What to Bring Camping: http://cubpack155.org/x/1o