Sleepover, Dues & More


Dues allow the pack to function, dues allow us to register the boys with the Boy Scouts of America.  We have several children who are not yet registered with the Boy Scouts of America and as such are not covered by our insurance policy.  We are unable to allow your children to attend any pack outings that may be deemed a liability for insurance reasons.  Please get your dues in.  If you have any issues please contact me directly.


The sleepover Saturday night will be our first overnight trip as a pack.  It is important that your children are as comfortable as possible. We will also be going for a mini hike during the evening and it will be cold so your children will need to be dressed appropriately.  Below you will find a list of things that they should bring along with them.

It is important that I have a proper headcount and payment no later than Saturday morning.  Please be sure to tell me no later than Saturday morning if you plan on attending.

  • Warm Outdoor Clothing (we will be taking a walk and it will be cold outside)
  • Please bring a hat and gloves
  • Pajamas
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Pillow
  • Toothbrush/Toothpaste
  • Flashlight (optional)
  • Necessary Medications
  • This includes emergency items such as inhalers, epi-pens, insulin and the such.
  • Items pertaining to dietary restrictions.

Scout Days

From time to time different facilities around the city will host Scout Days, such as “Scout Day at the Franklin Institute” coming up in December.  Sometimes they are age restricted or restricted to either the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts.  While we may choose to attend some of these Scout Days as a pack we will not always attend them as a pack.  However these events will often have perks for the scouts making them a worthwhile trip should parents and children wish to make them an individual outing.  Parents are also free to group together and go as well.

As I find these events or as others bring them to my attention, I have every intention of putting these on the Calendar for the benefit of those who wish to take advantage of them.  Just because they are on the Calendar does not mean it is a pack event.  Please click on the event and read the details of the event.

Youth Protection Training

Anyone who wishes to participate as an adult member of the pack is required to take Youth Protection Training. Adults can not register with the BSA until they have this training.  As of June 2010 any adult without this training is unable to serve with the pack in any capacity, not even as a committee member.  This training must be renewed every two years as well.  It is advisable for parents to take this training as well as I believe parents will find the training to be informative.

To get your Youth Protection Training do the following;

  1. Go to
  2. Click the ‘Create Account’ button.
  3. Once you have your account, log into it.
  4. On the left side under Training, click ‘E-Learning’.
  5. Next to ‘Youth Protection Training’, click ‘Take Course’.
  6. Take the course.
  7. Take the quiz.
  8. Provide me with your username to validate your training.

I am also working with a friend of mine, who is a qualified adult trainer to teach the course for all parents one Monday night.

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