2012 Scouting for Food Summary

I want to thank all of the scouts, leaders, parents and siblings for their support of this annual program.  While it can be tiresome and seem trivial on the surface this program goes a long way to to helping families who worry about where their next meal will come from.

Last year, the Pack combined with both the troop and the crew collected 1,836 items weighing in at 2,949 lbs. This year the pack alone collected 2,627 items weighing in at 2,254 lbs of food.  To put this in another perspective we collected an entire trailer full of food that weighed 1.25 tons.  We gave almost 300 pounds to the local Catholic Social Services pantry and the remainder when to the food bank at St. John’s Lutheran Church that works closely with Philabundance.

Not only should the scouts be commended for their tremendous efforts but a hearty thank you goes out to all of the parents that helped in many ways. Some walked with a group of kids, others followed behind with a vehicle to collect food items, while others helped unload, count and sort the food.  All of the cub scouts and a few siblings had a great time and all of our cubs most certainly did their best.

After a day of hard work, our cub scouts had a fun filled sleepover at the Marks Scout Resource Building.  They had pizza for dinner, went on an urban night hike, ran around like madmen at the Logan Circle fountain, settled in for a movie with popcorn until they passed out.

Thanks again to everyone involved.

Update:  We had a total of 27 scouts, 4 siblings and 26 adults (leaders included) participate in this service project. This netted roughly 322 hours of community service for the pack

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