Webelos Progress Report – February 18th, 2013

Tonight we covered requirement 7 for the Webelos Rank; Demonstrate the Scout salute, Scout sign and Scout handshake. Explain the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout motto and Scout slogan. All of these can be found in the Webelos Handbook on pages 53-58.

We also began working on the Forester Activity Badge. With Hiking and Camping season making their approach, we felt this was a great introduction to the world around us.  Specifically we worked on requirements 3, 4, 6 & 9.  At our next den meeting we will finish requirements 5 & 6, while continuing to discussing more about the topic and finishing up with the Outdoor Code which can be found on page 346 of the Webelos Handbook.

This is the last activity badge required for the Webelos to earn their rank. It is important that if your scout is not here, he get this done before March 11th. I had erroneously said that Athlete was the last but the three required are Fitness, Citizen and we will use Forester as the elective (that is not in the same category as Fitness and Citizen).


Everything that we covered so far for Forester can be found in the Webelos Handbook. There are no special handouts or paperwork this week.  However for those who did not make it tonight, I will need someone to sign off that these were covered at home.  For all scouts, please have your scout read over the Forester section of the Webelos handbook.


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