Family Stories

Tiger Elective Adventure: Family StoriesOur families today come in all shapes and sizes and come from places all over the world. We have traditions that started many years ago with our ancestors that continue today. We can learn a lot about a person from their family name, their nationality, or where their family may have come from.What can others learn about you from your family name? Our families are different but yet our families can also be alike.

Rationale for Adventure

To help the Tigers learn about their family and their heritage.


Complete requirement 1 plust at least three others. Note that any requirement may be completed based on your family of origin OR the family with whom you live.

  1. Discuss with your parent/guardian, a family member, or other caring adult where some of your family originated. Discuss family history, traditions, and culture—your family heritage. Share a story or bring something to share with your den about yourself and your family.
  2. Make a family crest.
  3. Visit your public library to find out information about the heritage of some of your family members.
  4. Interview one of your grandparents or another family elder, and share with your den what you learned.
  5. Make a family tree designed for your particular family
  6. Share with your den how you got your name or what your name means.
  7. Share with your den your favorite snack or dessert that reflects your cultural heritage of one or more of your family members.
  8. Learn where some members of your family came from, and locate the place(s) on a map. Share this information with your den. With the help of your parent/guardian/other caring adult, locate and write to a pen pal there.

Takeaways for Cub Scouts

  • Appreciating diversity and each Scout’s unique family heritage
  • Developing confidence, and encouraging bravery and patience
  • Being observant
  • A Scout is courteous

Historical Requirements

2015 Handbook Requirements

Adventure Location:
Tiger Handbook, page 134
Tiger Den Leader Guide, page 101

  1. Discuss with your adult partner and/or family where your family originated. Discuss their history, traditions, and culture—your family heritage. Share a story or bring something to share with your den about yourself and your family.
  2. Make a family crest.
  3. Visit your public library to find out information about your heritage.
  4. Interview one of your grandparents or another family elder, and share with your den what you found.
  5. Make a family tree.
  6. Share with your den how you got your name or what your name means.
  7. Share with your den your favorite snack or dessert that reflects your cultural heritage.
  8. Learn where your family came from, and locate it on a map. Share this information with your den. With the help of your adult partner, locate and write to a pen pal from that location.