
Scholar Activity BadgeSchool is a big part of your life. You study math, science, language, and other subjects, but you also learn about yourself—what subjects you like best, what areas you want to explore further.

You learn how to concentrate and how to find out what you want to know. To be a good scholar, you have to be curious and determined to gain everything you possibly can from your education.

You’re probably already doing some things that will help you earn this activity badge: going to school, earning the best grades you can, and behaving well in school.


Do this:

1. With your parent, guardian, or Webelos den leader, complete the Positive Attitude Character Connection.

a. Know: Discuss with your parent or guardian, or your Webelos den leader, what it means to have a positive attitude and the “BEST” steps you can take to have a positive attitude. (Believe it can happen, Expect success, Set your mind, and Try, try, try.

b. Commit: Plan with your parent or guardian, or your Webelos den leader, how you will apply the “BEST” steps for a positive attitude in doing your schoolwork and in other areas of your life.

c. Practice: “Do your ‘BEST’-” to have a cheerful and positive attitude while doing the requirements for this activity badge.

And do three of these:

2. Have a good record in attendance, behavior, and grades at school.

3. Take an active part in a school activity or service.

4. Discuss with your teacher or principal the value of getting an education.

5. List in writing some important things you can do now because of what you’ve learned in school.

6. While you are a Webelos Scout, earn the Cub Scout Academics belt loop for Language.

7. While you are a Webelos Scout, and if you have not earned it for another activity badge, earn the Cub Scout Academics belt loop for Mathematics.

8. While you are a Webelos Scout, earn the Cub Scout Academics belt loop for Chess.

And do three of these:

9. Trace through history the different kinds of schools. Tell how our present public school system grew out of these early schools.

10. Make a chart showing how your school system is run.

11. Ask a parent and five other grown-ups the following questions then tell what you think were the best answers and why.

• What do you think are the best things about my school?
• What could be done to improve it?

12. List and explain some of the full-time positions in the field of education.

13. Help another student with schoolwork. Tell what you did to help.

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