On Monday, we started off with a discussion of the plant project done several weeks ago. This discussion completed the Science Belt Loop for those who participated in the first part of the experiment. Earning the Science Belt Loop also completed Requirement 4 of the Scientist Activity Badge; completing the activity badge for several boys.
We continued to collect homework on the Communicator Activity Badge, thus completing the activity badge for the boys who attended the March 31st meeting and turned in their assignments.
Finally with camping and hiking season starting to peek out from behind colder days, we continued with reviewing some of the basics required to complete the Outdoorsman Activity Badge. Note that most of the requirements require your scout to actually go hiking or camping to finish the requirements, however we like to prepare the boys by discussing some basic safety tips for hiking and camping as well as what gear to bring.
To date, the following Outdoorsman requirements were covered either in Den or at other Activities. If your scout did not participate, you can work on these at home or let us know when we go camping in May.
- Requirement 2: Outdoor Activity including a campfire (Fort Mifflin Camping Trip – September).
- Requirement 3: With your Parent or Guardian, take part in a Webelos den overnight campout or family campout. Sleep in a tent that you have helped pitch (Fort Mifflin Camping Trip – September).
- Requirement 6: Participate in an outdoor conservation project with your Den or a Boy Scout Troop. (April 5th at playground with Mr. Gallen or April 6th at Veterans Home assisting with the Eagle Scout Project & Mayfair Cleanup Project with Mrs. Karen) .
- Requirement 7: Discuss the rules of outdoor fire safety, show how to build a safe fire and put it out. (Klondike Derby Preparations & 4/4 (Web 2))
- Requirement 9: Discussion Only – (Scout needs to do a 3 mile hike to complete)