Before tonight’s den meeting we would like to make some important announcements to our scout parents. We will need about 15 minutes to go over sign ups and any recent changes to the schedule. Thank you for all you do and see you tonight !
Webelos Reminders for 4/7/14
All Webelos Scouts (Both Webelos and Arrow of Light) need to be sure to turn in any outstanding assignments from the season so far. Also, for those who have not yet done so, please bring in your handbooks.
Please remember to bring back the results of your plant project to discuss; you are encouraged to bring your plants too. This will complete the Science Belt Loop. Additionally don’t forget to complete the assignments and turn in the homework given out last week in order to complete both the Communicator Activity Badge and Computers Belt Loop.
This week we will cover some of the requirements for the Outdoorsman Activity Badge. This should wrap up Outdoorsman for most of the 2nd Year Webelos and give the 1st Year Webelos a head start. Next week we will start on the Engineer Activity Badge.
Weekend Reminders
Just wanted to send out a quick reminder of events for this weekend.
On Saturday 4/5:
We have the Mayfair clean up project which all scouts and families are invited to from 9am-noon. There is also the Troop yard sale being held at the gym from 9am-6pm.
The Pinewood workshop will be held in the classrooms at the gym from 3pm- 5pm for anyone who needs help cutting, sanding and working on their car. Scales will be available.
On Sunday:
There is the Eagle Scout Project at the Deleware Valley Veteran’s Home. This is an opportunity for our Webelo scouts to help a fellow scout and do some community Service.
Events are listed on the calender for more detail.
Webelos & Arrow of Light Progress Report – March 31st, 2014
Both the 1st year and 2nd year Webelos worked on the Communicator Activity Badge. We covered the following requirements in den:
- Communicator Requirement 1
- Communicator Requirement 4
- Communicator Requirement 16
- Communicator Requirement 14 (partial)
- Computer Belt Loop Requirement 1
- Computer Belt Loop Requirement 2
The boys had some homework to do which will complete both the Communicator Activity Badge and the Computer Belt Loop.
- Communicator Requirement 11
- Communicator Requirement 12
- Communicator Requirement 13
- Communicator Requirement 14 (remainder)
- Computer Belt Loop Requirement 3
*Note Communicator Requirement 11 and Compute Belt Loop Requirement 13 can be one in the same.
We have attached a PDF copy of the homework assignment below…
[wpdm_file id=16]
Wolves, Bears and Arrow of Light (Web 2s)
Please bring your rank books in on 3/31. Your leaders will be collecting the books to review, update and return.
Parents — if you have a few moments to review the books and update with any family activities it would be much appreciated.
Community Service
Wednesday 3/26 the Lutheran Church will be having a Lent program and have asked if we would like to help with setting up, serving, and clean up. All are welcome to come and help. This is a great way for us to give back both to our community and the organization that sponsors our scouts.
The program will run from 5:45pm – 7:00pm. There will also be a service from 7pm – 8pm for those they want to join. Use the usual gym entrance.
We ask that volunteers be there before 6pm to be assigned. Uniforms would be appreciated but not required. Both Asst. Cubmaster Karen Wonsor and Scout parent/helper Rebecca Lauf will be there for checking in. Please report to them upon arrival.
Snow Day
Due to the weather we will not be meeting tonight. The conditions aren’t the safest for travel, therefore enjoy the evening off with your family. We will meet back up on 3/10/2014.
Stay safe and warm. Have a great snow day !
Bears & Webelos Progress Report: Knife Safety Training
Tonight the Bears and Webelos begin their annual Knife Safety training. This class is designed to teach knife safety and in addition to some basic safety rules, the boys will learn additional rules that must be followed. While this is a requirement for Bears, the pack requires Webelos scouts to take the training each year as well.
Our program takes 2-3 hours depending on the attentiveness and behavior of the boys. We start with an introduction to various bladed items, teach them the differences, and validity of their usage. We will cover a series of safety requirements, administer a short test, and if they pass we will practice carving apples and soap.
- For Bears this course will complete Bear Achievement 19: Shavings and Chips and allow your Bear to earn his Whittling Chip Card.
- For new Webelos this isn’t a requirement for rank but the training is required to allow your Webelos to earn his Whittling Chip Card.
- For returning Webelos who have already earned their Whittling Chip Card, this training is required by the pack in order to upkeep the privilege of the whittling chip.
We may or may not have activities that allow the use of a pocketknife and having a whittling chip card is a requirement to participate in such activities.
Bowling and Certification Sign Ups Closing
Last call before reservations are set !
Sign up sheets will be available at the front table for both events.
If you haven’t signed up yet for our night at the lanes, you can still do so Monday (02/03/2014). The event is for February 10th from 6p – 8p. The cost is $11 per person and shoes are included. Price is based on 5 people per lane. All scouts and their families are invited and encouraged to bowl! All scouts who participate will earn their bowling belt loop. This may help Webelos earn an individual sport belt loop for their Sportsman Activity award.
This event is in place of our normal Den meetings at the gym.
First Aid/CPR and AED Training/Certification
This Monday (02/03/2014) is the final sign up date for training.
Training is scheduled for February 22, 2014 from 8a – 2p .
This is a great opportunity for our Leaders, Parents and Webelo Scouts. While it is open to all parents of a scout in our pack, we have to restrict scout participation to the Webelos Scouts.
Family Bowling Night
Family Bowling Night is set for February 10th from 6 to 8PM. The cost is $11 per person and shoes are included. Price is based on 5 people per lane. All scouts and their families are invited and encouraged to bowl! I have reserved 10 lanes which means 50 people. We need a head count as soon as possible in case more lanes need to be added. If you would like to bowl, there will be a sign up sheet at the next few meetings. Money will be due by February 3rd’s meeting. All scouts who participate will earn their bowling belt loop. This may help Webelos earn an individual sport belt loop for their Sportsman Activity award.