2018 Dues Deadline

DuesJust a quick reminder for those who have not yet paid their 2018 dues that the deadline to have your dues paid in full is here. All 2018 dues must be paid in full by Monday December 4th, 2017.

Please note that the 2018 dues *DO NOT* include the prorated dues which may have been required by some to cover the remainder of the 2017 year.  If there is a balance on 2017 dues, then that balance will be deducted from your 2018 dues payment before being applied to the 2018 dues.

We will be working on the charter renewal paperwork and getting it signed off on by the church in order to turn it in by our December 15th deadline. Those who have not paid in full will remain registered through December 31st but as of midnight January 1st will no longer be registered nor insured by the BSA.  You will be required to re-register your scouts which means a new application will need to be submitted along with all dues and any applicable registration fees.

Your assistance in helping us get all of our paperwork completed and turned in on time is greatly appreciated.   If you have any problems, please be sure to reach out to us, sooner rather than later, to discuss.

No Meeting Tonight – Turkey Recovery Day!

We hope that the entire Cub Scout Pack 1776 family had a Wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.  There is no meeting tonight, so kick up your feet, recover from overindulging in good eats, and contemplate all that we are thankful for.

Throughout the course of our lives it is often far easier to ask for favors than it is to give thanks.  When times are dark we often neglect the good we have to be thankful for.  Thanksgiving wasn’t really about Pilgrims, Indians, and turkey dinners; it was a day that was set aside so that we may reflect on all of the good bestowed upon our lives, because even in the darkest hour there is that ray of light to be thankful for despite it always being overlooked.

We can look to the words of George Washington as he makes the first official proclamation of Thanksgiving, on November 26th, 1789 to a fledgling nation. [Read more…]

2017 Scouting for Food Summary

Scouting For Food PatchI want to thank everyone who came out to help us with this year’s Scouting for Food drive; all of the scouts, parents, sibling, former scouts and their families, friends of the pack, the leaders, and Crew 1776.  While Scouting for Food may seem like more work than fun, the program goes a long way to to helping families who worry about where their next meal will come from.

This year, Pack 1776 collected 1,021 food items weighing in a 825.7 lbs. To put this in another perspective we collected almost “one-half ton of food”, all of which was donated to the food bank at St. John’s Lutheran Church who works closely with Saints United Lutheran Church (our Chartered Organization) to provide meals to families in need from 9 different zip codes.

We had 17 cub scouts, 7 other scouts, 1 sibling, 9 adults and 9 leaders participated in this service project with us. Over the two weekends combined, Pack 1776 completed 185 combined service hours.

Scouting for FoodNot only should the scouts be commended for their tremendous efforts but a hearty thank you goes out to all of the parents, siblings and others who helped to make this annual food drive a success. Some walked with a group of kids, others followed behind with a vehicle to collect food items, while others helped unload, count and sort the food. All of the cub scouts had a great time while performing a good turn and they most certainly did their best.

Once again, thank you to everyone involved.

Note: All Cub Scouts that participated have had their service hours added to Scoutbook.

Clothing Drive

Good morning everyone. Tonight is last night we’re collecting donations of clothes and shoes for our clothing drive. So if you have a bag, please bring it to our meeting tonight. Every little bit helps. Thanks so much everyone. See you tonight. 

Webelos 1 & 2 Update – 11/13/2017

Webelos Elective Adventure: Art ExplosionOn Monday, both Webelos dens worked together on the Art Explosion adventure. In this adventure Webelos Scouts discovered that exploring the arts is a fun way to try new things! They had the opportunity to develop their creative potential while making original works of art after discovering what inspired them during their visit to a virtual art museum. When sharing their project ideas with each other, the Webelos Scouts had the opportunity to respect the creations of others while valuing their own ideas.

The Webelos scouts completed Art Explosion Requirements 1, 2, 3b, 3c, and 3i meeting all of the requirements to complete this adventure.  The scouts were encouraged to go through the Art Explosion adventure in their handbooks and consider working on any of the optional sub-requirements in requirement 3 and the optional requirement 4 for some additional exploration into the arts.

2017 Scouting For Food (Bag Collection)

Scouting for Food

This Saturday, Nov 18th, we will be meeting at the Gym at 9:30am to pick up donations for our annual Scouting for Food Drive. WE NEED DRIVERS, anyone with a vehicle who is able to drive to speed up the pick up process is much appreciated. Please let Ms. Shawna or Mr. Campy know ASAP if you are available to drive. ( Stracey@cubscoutpack1776.org or Ccampagna@cubscoutpack1776.org )

Scouting For Food is one of nation’s largest food drives that Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturing Crew members participate in to support their local Food Pantries and Hunger Relief agencies. The Scouts of the Cradle of Liberty Council have continuously exceeded expectations and fully stocked dozens of our partner agencies with bags of canned food.

Everyone will be divided into groups with multiple adults per group and we will go out and pick up the donations within our given area.

The time accumulated this weekend will count as community service for the scouts and maximum participation may help us qualify for the Messengers of Peace award.




2017 Scouting for Food (Bag Distribution)

Scouting for Food

This Saturday, Nov 11th, we will be meeting at the Gym at 10:00am to begin our annual Scouting for Food Drive.

Scouting For Food is one of nation’s largest food drives that Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturing Crew members participate in to support their local Food Pantries and Hunger Relief agencies. The Scouts of the Cradle of Liberty Council have continuously exceeded expectations and fully stocked dozens of our partner agencies with bags of canned food.

Everyone will be divided into groups with multiple adults per group and we will go out and place bags on all doors within our given area.

The time accumulated this weekend and next will count as community service for the scouts and maximum participation may help us qualify for the Messengers of Peace award.


Bears Update 11/6/2017

Bear Adventure: Baloo the BuilderOn Monday, the Bears began working on Baloo the Builder Adventure, which will expose the scout to the proper use and safety of hand tools, how to choose the correct type of wood for a project, and also how to construct a project.

The scouts were introduced to various tools and their functions, tool safety, and hands on practice to give them a better understanding of how they work and how to use them.

Homework: The scouts were asked to come up with ideas for projects over the course of the week. Also don’t forget the scouts were asked a few weeks ago to display a flag somewhere in their home for 30 days. It can be a picture of a flag, or a miniature flag.  They can take a picture of it and bring it in or send it in an email.

Have a great week!

2017 Chick-fil-A Trunk or Treat

Update: Due to the recent weather Chick Fil A has decided to go with the rain date of Thursday, Oct 26th, from 5pm – 8pm. Hope to see you all there.

Chick-fil-A Trunk or Treat

Just a reminder that Chick-fil-A at Whitman Square is hosting its 4th annual “Trunk-or-Treat” this evening, from 5-8pm. This is a community event for children and their families to celebrate Halloween in a family-friendly and safe environment.

Trunk-or-Treat allows children (with adult supervision) to Trick-or-Treat in a unique way where community businesses will bring out their company cars to create a “neighborhood” of vehicles and distribute candy and other free promotional items. Make sure to have your kids wear their costumes!

They will have music, fun, games, prizes, and giveaways!

Bear Den Update 10/09/2017

Bear Adventure: Paws for ActionOn Monday, the Bears and the Wolves worked together.The Bear portion of the meeting focused on completing the Paws for Action Adventure which has it’s root in the Duty to Country part of Scouting.

The meeting started with those who went to the Revolutionary Germantown festival sharing their experience with the dens. They talked about famous people and places along with their significance in history to complete requirement 2.  The discussion then turned to the meaning of freedom, the significance of the American flag, and the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance to complete most of requirement 1 (see homework).

They then switched pace and worked with the wolves learning about and trying to use Morse code, nautical flags, and semaphore flags which expand ones understanding of the many ways in which we can communicate.

At Home (Homework)

To finish requirement 1, the scouts should work with an adult to display the American flag in the home for one month. For those that attended both Germantown and Monday’s meeting. This assignment will complete the Paws for Action adventure.