Webelos Progress Report – February 25, 2013

Last night we completed requirement 5 of the Forester Activity Badge.  For anyone who missed last week or this week, Forester is a really straight forward and easy Activity Badge to complete.  The entire thing can be knocked out in about 30-45m if working one on one with a parent using the guidelines in the handbook.  Although there are 10 requirements total, only 5 need to be completed to earn the badge. Any 5 will suffice.

To complete the Activity Badge at the den meetings, we covered requirements 3, 4, 5, 6, & 9.  If anyone is interested in the handouts we used to complete this requirement just shoot us an email via the Contact Us page and we will get them out to you. Be sure to check off Cubmaster or Webelos Den Leader.

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Update

Krispy Kreme Glazed DonutAt our leaders meeting last week, we decided to extend the time to take orders by one more week.  This will not only allow you to sell for an additional week but it will make the logistics with Krispy Kreme work out a bit better.

The deadline is now Monday March 4th.  So we will accept orders until that date.  If you are ready to turn in you can still do so on Feb 25th.  We just will not be placing our order with Krispy Kreme until Tuesday March 5th.

If you are reading this and are interested in helping us out, the full details can be found here, and you can place an order by reaching out to us on the Contact Us page. If you live outside the region we can ship your certificates to you.

Webelos Activity Badges Updated

Site NewsJust a quick update to let everyone know that the requirements for all Webelos Activity Badges are completed and online. Simply click on the Activity Badge Pin of your choice and you will be taken to the page for said Activity Badge.  I hope everyone finds this useful.

Webelos Progress Report – February 18th, 2013

Tonight we covered requirement 7 for the Webelos Rank; Demonstrate the Scout salute, Scout sign and Scout handshake. Explain the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout motto and Scout slogan. All of these can be found in the Webelos Handbook on pages 53-58.

We also began working on the Forester Activity Badge. With Hiking and Camping season making their approach, we felt this was a great introduction to the world around us.  Specifically we worked on requirements 3, 4, 6 & 9.  At our next den meeting we will finish requirements 5 & 6, while continuing to discussing more about the topic and finishing up with the Outdoor Code which can be found on page 346 of the Webelos Handbook.

This is the last activity badge required for the Webelos to earn their rank. It is important that if your scout is not here, he get this done before March 11th. I had erroneously said that Athlete was the last but the three required are Fitness, Citizen and we will use Forester as the elective (that is not in the same category as Fitness and Citizen).


Everything that we covered so far for Forester can be found in the Webelos Handbook. There are no special handouts or paperwork this week.  However for those who did not make it tonight, I will need someone to sign off that these were covered at home.  For all scouts, please have your scout read over the Forester section of the Webelos handbook.


Bear Book Collection – 2/18

Baloo HikingDear Bear Cub Parents,

           Please make sure the boys bring in their books 2/18 as I will be collecting them to update any achievements they have accomplished at home. This is very important as we are closing in on our Blue and Gold Ceremony, and we are very close to all the boys earning their rank at that time, if they have not already.

Thanks and have a wonderful day,
Chris Campagna II
Bear Den Leader

Webelos Progress Report – February 11, 2013

This week, the Webelos started reviewing the remaining requirements for the Webelos Rank. Specifically covered requirements 3, 4, 8a, 8b and then discussed what was needed to complete requirements 8e and then 8c.  Requirement 8 is about Faith and as such 8e and 8c must be done at home. You can find all of details about the requirements in the Webelos handbook and on the Webelos Badge page on our site.  Next week we will go over requirement 7, finishing up the Webelos Badge requirements.

Once we finish up requirement 7, the Webelos will be given a choice of which activity badge they want to work on next. We will need to finish this one up fairly quickly to ensure it is done by March 11th before the Blue & Gold.

I can’t stress enough the importance of the boys finishing up their assignments they were handed out thus far this year. There are 3 boys that have not turned in their requirements to finish up Fitness and several who have not finished Citizen. Once these are done and we complete the last Activity Badge by March 11, the boys will have earned their Webelos rank and be awarded it at the Blue and Gold.   Any boys who do not finish by then are still eligible to earn their rank but they will not earn it at the Blue & Gold rank ceremony.

Webelos Progress Report – February 4, 2013

Sorry for the delay in getting this posted.  Maintenance on the backend of the site was being performed and I didn’t want to risk losing the post and having to post it again.

Last Monday night the Webelos started working on their Athlete Activity Badge. This is the 3rd activity badge we covered in entirety to be used towards the Webelos rank.  Anyone who completed their Fitness Activity Badge and Citizen Activity Badge will have completed the three Activity Badge requirement for the Webelos Rank upon completion of Athlete.

We taught the boys basic exercises that build strength and endurance and helped them perform a baseline of where they currently stand. They are then to try and improve each area over a 30 day period, tracking their progress once per week. On week 5 they are required to bring in their forms and we will test them one more time to show them how their improvement indicates they are growing stronger.

We completed Webelos Athlete Activity Badge requirements 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, and 3.  We touched on requirement 4 and we started requirements 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 6 & 7

Attached below is a copy of the form your scouts were given. The form is nothing more than a printed copy of page 132 of the Webelos handbook.  Those who did not make the meeting should print out a copy and have someone help them get started right away. You have 3 days to complete this if you wish to earn it in time for the Blue & Gold in March.

Next week, Monday February 11th, we will start working on the remaining Webelos Badge requirements to finish up the Webelos rank. After that we will probably go into knife safety and have the Bears and Webelos earn their Whittling Chip.

Activity Badge Progress Record

2013 Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Krispy Kreme Glazed DonutSatisfy Your Sweet Tooth &  Help Cub Scouts Do Their Best

Cub Scout Pack 155 had so much sucess with the Krispy Kreme Fundraiser last year that we decided to do it again.  We are now taking orders for Krispy Kreme Fundraising Certificates that are good for One Dozen Original Glazed Donuts.  Each certificate is $8.00 which is $1.00 cheaper than buying the donuts outright at the store.  All the while each certificate sold helps the pack.

We are taking orders between January 28th and February 25th, all monies are due up front and to be turned in at the Den Meeting on Monday February 25th.  All certificates will be handed out to the sellers at the Den Meeting on Monday March 4th, or March 11th for distribution to the buyers.

So think about it, you can satisfy that craving, save a buck and help the scouts all at once, by buying some certificates for Krispy Kreme Donuts. These certificates make great gifts, great incentives or just use them so you are ready for the next special occasion. The donuts themselves freeze well too.

Prizes & Incentives

This year we are offering two prizes as well as helping the scouts with money for Summer Camps.

  • $50 Game Stop gift card – To the scout who sells the most certificates.
  • $25 Game Stop gift card – Any scout selling more than 10 certificates, and who did not win the $50 gift card, will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Game Stop gift card.
  • Summer Camp Funding*

*Any scout who sells more than 5 certificates will get $1.00 per certificate sold over the 5th placed in an account. This money can be used for Summer Day Camp or Summer Resident Camp in July.  These funds are strictly for one of these two camps and cannot be used for anything else. Any funds not used towards Summer Camp will be forfeited.


Attached is a copy of the flyer and presale form in case you missed the meeting and need a copy or if yours if full and you need an additional sheet.

Anyone who is just visiting the site and wishes to assist our pack by purchasing some certificates, please contact me directly through the contact form on the site, located at the top of the page.

Krispy Kreme Sales Sheet

Dressing In Layers for the Klondike Derby

Before we get to the layers, some  final words about tomorrow’s derby.  The Derby will begin around 9:00am “Rain or Shine“.  Please be there no later than 8:45am.  The event coordinators are seeking volunteers to assist.  Assisting will beat standing around in the cold all day with nothing to do.

Please remember to bring your neckerchief, handbook and a bottle of water with your son’s name on it.

Now for the important stuff — IT WILL BE COLD AND IT WILL BE WET.  The high will be 28 degrees at 2:00pm and we have today’s snow plus a few additional snow showers overnight.  BE PREPARED and make sure your boys are prepared.  Bring spare socks, and a heavy blanket just in case.

Dressing in layers

When it is cold outside and you are going to be out in the elements for an extended period of time it is vital that you dress in layers.  Below is some basic layering advice to assist you

  • Layer 1 – Under garments, heavy socks.
  • Layer 2 – Long Johns
    • If they are the Under Armor type, do not wear a t-shirt underneath it.
    • If you don’t have long johns then a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants work.
  • Layer 3 – Pants & Shirt
    • Pants should be something that can shield the wind; jeans are not good for this but acceptable if the only alternative
    • Running pants and hiking pants are great, a nylon mixture not cotton.
    • These should be something that do not hold water.
  • Layer 4 – Outer Shell, Coat, Hat, Gloves, Boots, Rain Jacket/Poncho
    • A coat, while not seen as cool anymore, is your best line of defense.
    • Hoodies, even if lined, will not repel wind and moisture.
    • Don’t forget a hat and gloves. Mittens will keep your hands warmer but gloves will provide free fingers. A good combination is cotton gloves inside water proof mittens.
    • Boots are a must *AND REQUIRED*

2013 Klondike Derby

On Monday we started prepping for the Klondike Derby.  Please note that the Klondike Derby is *NOT* the Pinewood Derby to be held in April.  The Klondike Derby is an event modeled after the Klondike Gold Rush.  The boys will pull a supply filled sled from station (town) to station  (town) performing various activities.  While most are fun and games, sometimes a few will challenge their skills/scouting knowledge.

The cost for the Klondike Derby is $8 per scout and it includes (for the scout) lunch, hot cocoa, a patch and loads of fun.  The late fee per scout is $12We need a final headcount and payment no later than Monday January 14th.  Anyone who prepaid the $12 will be refunded the extra $4.

As the date approaches we will be sure to let everyone know of the weather for the day.  Considering it is Winter expect it to be cold. If we are lucky we will have snow.  Snow just makes the event that much more fun.


To make the day successful lets and fun for the kids lets start with what you need to be prepared..

  1. Parents, be prepared yourself; you want to make sure you are warm, comfortable & dry yourself. The Klondike Derby is an outdoor event and we will be outside from approximately 8:30am until 3:30pm.
  2. Make sure that your boys are dressed for the weather, in layers and prepared for a change of weather.
    • NO SNEAKERS OR SHOES – BOOTS (Waterproof) ARE MANDATORY.  — The boys will be outside pulling a sled, playing games and more in cold, and possibly wet,  wintry weather.
    • Hat, Gloves, Scarf — Mittens are warmer but gloves offer dexterity. A great option are the soft cotton (knitted gloves) inside a pair of mittens.  This way they can maximize hand warmth but still have finger dexterity for activities without having to expose their hands.
    • Snow/Rain gear — In the event it will be a wet wintry mix or even snowy, if your boys get wet, they will get cold faster.  Their clothing should be in layers, which can be altered as necessary, with the innermost layers providing comfort & warmth and the outer most layers protecting against wind, snow & rain.
    • Spare socks & Shoes – Feet sweat, feet can get wet. There is nothing worse than soggy feet on a cold day.  Bring some extra socks and shoes to keep in the car.  This way your boys can change their shoes before heading home to keep your car clean and their feet warm.
  3. Make sure your boys have a bottle of water with them.  Yes, your boys will be provided food and drink but the cold air dehydrates you quite rapidly. For safety reasons it is absolutely mandatory that each scout has a bottle of water with them, labeled with their name.
  4. Bring your Handbooks & Neckerchiefs, we must have a minimum of one each per sled.
  5. Excitement – Have your boys bring a boat load of excitement.  The day is all about FUN FUN FUN!



I will be bringing the sleds, for your information each sled will have a box/crate containing the following items;

*One of each Cub Scout Handbook
*One each Cub Scout Neckerchief
*Four 3′ Lengths of Rope
*First Aid Kit
*Den Flag
*Filled Water Bottles For Each Scout
*Den Yell & A Lot Of Positive Energy



More on this coming soon….