First Aid Training

Don’t forget that on Monday that Cub Scout pack 155 we will have an official Red Cross Instructor as a guest instructor offering two child oriented Red Cross First Aid courses for the Tiger Cubs, Wolf Cubs and Bear Cubs. These courses are First Aid for Children Today (FACT) and Basic Aid Training (BAT).  These courses will help complete the requirements for the Emergency Preparedness Award as well as provide the boys with something more in depth and valuable than their book requirements.

The Webelos will get First Aid & CPR in a few months.

Parents: Please be sure that your boys bring their handbooks.  Tomorrow is a great opportunity to go over what they have covered and what they still need to work on.

Boys: Please remember to bring your pocket first aid kits & a pencil.

Klondike Derby Photos

I posted the photos I have from the Cub Scout Klondike Derby to our Facebook Page since the photo gallery on the site isn’t up and running yet.  Right now it is just the photos I had and a couple from another parent.  As other parents send me their photos, I will be sure to add them.

The boys had a blast and what you see here is only a fraction of the activities that were available for them to take part in.  Of course Pack 155 had the most prominent pack flag out there, and the boys knew that it is actually an official flag of the United States and treated it with the respect any flag would treat the current U.S. flag with.

Great job guys!


2012 Klondike Derby

On Monday we prepared for the Klondike Derby; we have 14 boys signed up to go.  Please note that the Klondike Derby is *NOT* the Pinewood Derby to be held in March.  The Klondike Derby is an event modeled after the the Alaskan Gold Rush.  The boys will pull a supply filled sled from station (town) to station  (town) performing various activities.  While most are fun and games a few will challenge their skills/scouting knowledge.

The weather forecast for Saturday, at the time of this writing, is a high of 40 with a wintry mix all day.  This means it will be snow, sleet, rain all mixed together. Naturally this could change , as it already has.  Earlier this week they were calling for a high of 50 with a chance for showers.  I will continue to watch the weather and keep you up to date of any major changes.



To make the day successful lets and fun for the kids lets start with what you need to be prepared..

  1. Parents, be prepared yourself; you want to make sure you are warm, comfortable & dry yourself. The Klondike Derby is an outdoor event and we will be outside from approximately 8:30am until 3:30pm.
  2. Make sure that your boys are dressed for the weather, in layers and prepared for a change of weather.
    • NO SNEAKERS OR SHOES – BOOTS (Waterproof) ARE MANDATORY.  — The boys will be outside pulling a sled, playing games and more in cold, wet,  wintry weather.
    • Hat, Gloves, Scarf — Mittens are warmer but gloves offer dexterity. A great option are the soft cotton (knitted gloves) inside a pair of mittens.  This way they can maximize hand warmth but still have finger dexterity for activities without having to expose their hands.
    • Snow/Rain gear — Again it will be a wet wintry mix all day.  If your boys get wet, they will get cold faster.  Their clothing should be in layers, which can be altered as necessary, with the innermost layers providing comfort & warmth and the outer most layers protecting against wind, snow & rain.
    • Spare socks & Shoes – Feet sweat, feet can get wet. There is nothing worse than soggy feet on a cold day.  Bring some extra socks and shoes to keep in the car.  This way your boys can change their shoes before heading home to keep your car clean and their feet warm.
  3. Make sure your boys have a bottle of water with them.  Yes, your boys will be provided food and drink but the cold air dehydrates you quite rapidly. For safety reasons your boys must have a bottle of water with them.
  4. Bring your Handbooks & Neckerchiefs
  5. Excitement – Have your boys bring a boat load of excitement.  The day is all about FUN FUN FUN!



I will be bringing the sleds, for your information each sled will have a box/crate containing the following items;

*One of each Cub Scout Handbook
*One each Cub Scout Neckerchief
*Four 3′ Lengths of Rope
*First Aid Kit
*Den Flag
*Filled Water Bottles For Each Scout
*Den Yell & A Lot Of Positive Energy



Citizenship: Know President, Vice President, Governor & Mayor

  • Tigers/Wolves/Bears: Know the people and their job
  • Webelos: The above plus the length of term and what political party they are with.

First Aid – Basic First Aid

  • Tigers – What to do if you get cut (just explain)
  • Wolves – How to take care of a small cut
  • Bears – How to take care of a knife cut to the finger
  • Webelos – How to stop serious bleeding and demonstrate the Heimlich maneuver and tell when it is used.

Cub Scout Basics (All Ranks)

  • Cub Scout Promise
  • Cub Scout Motto
  • Cub Scout Pack Law

Leave No Trace (All Ranks)

  • Explain Leave no Trace
  • How Do They Use It

Buddy System (All Ranks)

  • Explain the Buddy System
  • Give Examples when to use the Buddy System

Knots & Rope

  • Tigers
    •  Practice Tying Shoes
  • Wolves
    • Tie an Overhand Knot
    • Tie a Square Knot
  • Bears
    • Tie a Square Knot
    • Tie a Bowline
    • Tie Two Half Hitches
    • Tie a Slip Knot
    • Explain how each not is used.
  • Webelos
    • Demonstrate setting up a tent or dining fly using two half hitches and a taut line hitch.
    • Show how to tie a square knot and explain how it is used.


  • All
    • Know the Pledge of Allegiance
    • Help Folding the Flag
  • Tigers – How many Stars?
  • Wolves – How many Stars & what do they mean?
  • Bears – How many stripes & what do they mean?
  • Webelos – How many stars were on the first flag and who made it?


  • Spear Throwing
  • Animal Tracks
  • Ring Toss
  • Jug Drop
  • Stilt Relay
  • Magnetic Fishing
  • 3 Legged Relay
  • Ball Through A Hoop
  • Skit & Song (each team needs a song/skit)
  • Car & Driver
  • Forehead Squeeze Relay
  • Target Shooting with Nerf Guns
  • Obstacle Course

Event specifics such as time, location, costs can be found on the Klondike Derby Calendar Event (here).

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Krispy Kreme Glazed DonutSatisfy Your Sweet Tooth &  Help Cub Scouts Do Their Best

Cub Scout Pack 155 is trying something new this year to help raise money for the pack.  We are now taking orders for Krispy Kreme Fundraising Certificates that are good for One Dozen Original Glazed Donuts.  Each certificate is $8.00 which is $1.00 cheaper than buying the donuts outright at the store.  All the while each certificate sold helps the pack.

We are taking orders between January 16th and February 13th, all monies are due up front and to be turned in at the Den Meeting on Monday February 13th.  All certificates will be handed out to the sellers at the Den Meeting on Monday February 20th for distribution to the buyers.

So think about it, you can satisfy that craving, save a buck and help the scouts all at once, by buying some certificates for Krispy Kreme Donuts. These certificates make great gifts, great incentives or just use them so you are ready for the next special occasion. The donuts themselves freeze well too.

Attached is a copy of the flyer and presale form in case you missed the meeting and need a copy or if yours if full and you need an additional sheet.

Anyone who is just visiting the site and wishes to assist our pack by purchasing some certificates, please contact me directly through the contact form on the site, located at the top of the page.

Krispy Kreme Sales Sheet

Welcome 2012

We hope that everyone had an incredible Holiday Season.  With the crazy amount of Christmas Cookies and New Years Snacks around, I am sure the little ones are abound with sugar induced energy while the rest of us feel like we are stuck in slow motion.

We start off the new year on January 9th and we have a few things going on this month that we want to give some advance notice on.


January is rechartering month for us.  We need to recharter the pack and part of that requires that we have the remainder of the dues turned in.  This is vital therefore all dues are required to be paid in full by January 16th.  There are only a handful of people left who still owe dues and it would be ideal if we could have them on Monday the 9th, but January 16th is the absolute deadline and we will not accept checks post dated after that date.


The boys should have their handbooks by now and we would like for them to bring their books to all den meetings unless we are meeting somewhere other than the gym.  That said, we would like to start off the new year by going through the boys handbooks and making sure everything is signed off that needs to be signed off.  Please be sure that you bring the hand books on Monday January 9th.   If you do not have a handbook, please talk to one of the leaders and we will see what we can do to assist you with tracking your son’s progress.

Cub Scout Klondike

The Cub Scout Klondike this year is going to be held on January 21st.  Nancy will talk to the parents about the Klondike on Monday the 9th.  There is not a whole lot of time to get ready for this but we need an accurate head count and will need to collect the cost of the Klondike right away.

Emergency Preparedness

This month we would like to hit on Emergency Preparedness again.  At the end of the month, the Tigers, Wolves and Bears will be getting two American Red Cross training courses for free; First Aid for Children Today (FACT) and Basic Aid Training (BAT).  While the Webelos are welcome to take these courses, we are planning to provide them with the official American Red Cross First Aid Training as well as CPR which will include the option to test for officially First Aid and CPR certifications.  Volunteer Scouters are also welcome to earn the Emergency Preparedness Award.  If as a leader, you are interested in what is required for you to earn the award contact Tom for information.


We are gearing up for our first fundraiser.  We will be selling Krispy Kreme Donuts by the dozen in the form of certificates.  The buyers get them cheaper than in store and the pack raises money at the same time.  More on that soon.

Pinewood Derby

The Pinewood Derby will be coming up.  At the next meeting lets discuss plans for the derby.

Trips, Outings and Camping

We have some ideas in mind but at this time let’s hear from you. Throw some suggestions our way for not just camping/overnighters but what about day trips that relate to what the boys need to work on?  Any ideas?


Milk Caps, Christmas Party & More

Milk Caps

We are going to be doing some Holiday arts & crafts on Monday and milk caps from gallon jugs are required.  Please bring as many milk caps as you can.  After the meeting Monday, we will post what we worked on in case anyone is interested in doing the same at home.

Christmas Party

We ask that parents each bring a snack for the Christmas Party on December 19th.  Gina Wilson and Karen Wonsor will be working on a list at Monday’s Den meeting.


All dues should be paid up to at least 50% by now with the remainder due next month.  January will be a busy month as we will be rechartering, planning  events for the remainder of the year, holding our Pinewood Derby and preparing for the Klondike Derby.

Oh and one more thing…

Don’t Forget Your Milkcaps!!!


Court of Awards

Remember December 5th is our first Court of Awards.  We will start promptly at 7:00 EST.  Please be on time.  If anyone is available to assist setting up the gym, please plan on being their around 6:00 pm for that.  We will provide pizza for the boys and one parent volunteered to bring drinks.  Snacks and extra beverages are welcome.

The Court of Awards is a special event for your boys.  For many this is the first recognition of their achievements on their road to adulthood.  This is something they and their families should be proud of. Enjoy the evening.

Scout Day At The Franklin Institute

Just a reminder that Saturday is Scout Day at The Franklin Institute


I am posting this as a service to those who may find it interesting and wish to take advantage of what it has to offer as this is a great opportunity for your children to work on some of their requirements, electives and/or belt loops and pins. [Read more…]

Handbooks Tonight

Everyone, please be sure to have your handbooks tonight. It is essential that we review progress and sign off on steps that have been completed.  Are your dues paid up? Please bring any outstanding dues payments tonight.


Happy Thanksgiving

We would like to wish the entire Cub Scout Pack 155 family a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday.  Throughout the course of our lives it is often far easier to ask for favors than it is to give thanks.  When times are dark we often neglect the good we have to be thankful for.  This day was set aside so that we may reflect on all of the good bestowed upon our lives, because even in the darkest hour there is that ray of light to be thankful for despite it always being overlooked.

On this day of prayer and reflection, we can look to the words of George Washington as he makes the first official proclamation of Thanksgiving to a fledgeling nation. [Read more…]